Cerin Amroth ("Mound of Amroth") was the small hill upon which Amroth, the last King of Lórien, built his great house. However, his house was lost by the time of the War of the Ring.

This hill, located in the midst of Lothlórien, was covered with grass, elanor, and niphredil.

When Aragorn was forty-nine years of age, he entered Lothlórien on his way to Rivendell. There he met Arwen, and together they wandered through the glades. It was on the evening of Midsummer that Aragorn and Arwen stood upon Cerin Amroth and vowed to be married.

After the passing of Aragorn in the fourth age, Arwen came to Lothlórien, and dwelt there alone. In the winter of the next year, Arwen laid herself to rest upon Cerin Amroth, and that this hill became her grave.
Encyclopedia entry originally written by Orosarniel