**Note : This information comes from the HoMe series of books, which means that it is considered to be from J.R.R. Tolkien's earlier, unrevised writings. Therefore, this information cannot necessarily be considered canonical.**

Elentir was the son of Númendil, 17th Lord of Andúnië. His brother was Amandil, father of Elendil the Tall, from whom are descended all of the Dúnedain in Middle-earth.

Elentir's position and role in Tolkien's mythology was rather fluid so that at one point, it is even said that he was the elder son of Númendil. Later, of course, Amandil seems to have become the eldest son because he succeeded to the Lordship of Andúnië.

Elentir is important, however, because in the HoMe Volume XII, he was betrothed to Míriel, only daughter of Tar-Palantir. Tolkien seems to have changed his mind about their relationship during the course of his writings. At one point he indicates that Míriel was quite taken with the handsome, young Pharazôn and that she was not unwilling to become his wife. At another, she is still devoted to Elentir. This last must probably be seen as the 'canonical' view because in the Akallabêth Tolkien writes that Ar-Pharazôn took Míriel by force.

Elentir is mentioned only in the History of Middle Earth, Volume XII.
Encyclopedia entry originally written by Dior