The Nandor, meaning ‘those who turn back’, were originally Teleri led by Lenwë. They abandoned the Great Journey at the Anduin east of the Misty Mountains where they were overawed by the size of the range and enamoured of the woods and the falling waters of Wilderland.

The Nandor did not remain a united people, as they scattered, wandering freely. Many remained in the Greenwood, while some passed south to the Golden Wood and became the ancestors of the Galadhrim. Others followed the Anduin, and others eventually came to the woods of Eriador. These last were led by Denethor I, and when he heard that Morgoth was released, he led his people to Beleriand, where they were known as the Laiquendi (Green-elves).

The Nandor were skilled woodsmen, and possessed greater knowledge of living things than any of the other Elves, but they did not possess the more advanced knowledge of armor and weaponry of some of the other races of Elves, so they suffered greatly at the hands of Orcs and other evil creatures.

The Nandor were accounted both Moriquendi and Úmanyar.
Encyclopedia entry originally written by Nanelleth