“You do that every time!” Pippin yelled disappointedly crossing his arms and sitting down.
“I do what every time?” Merry asked confused.
“You always make me look like a fool!” Pippin explained.
“O no you do that on your own!” The two hobbits were sitting at the side of the road chewing on some green onions and talking about the night before at Bilbo’s party.
“Abigail liked me and you made me look like a fool!” Pippin repeated again trying to make sure that Merry knew just what a terrible deed he had done.
“Listen, you did that on your own!” Merry said laughing incessantly which made the young Took even angrier. “Say, why don’t we do something that’ll make you feel better?” he stated finally growing quite tired of Pippins depressing mood.
“Like what?” Pippin asked with his arms still crossed but his eyes lighting up.
“I dunno whatever you like!” Merry responded.
“I’m hungry!”
“But luncheon’s not for another hour!”
“I know!” Pippin replied slyly to the logical response he’d been expecting from Merry all along.
“O, you want to get some carrots then?” Merry asked catching the glint in Pippins eyes.
“Why you read my mind you Brandybuck!” Pippin replied laughing and running towards the field.
“Wait up!” Merry yelled chasing after him.

Later on in the field

“And we’ll take this, and this, and these, and a few of these, and of course these, who could miss some of these, ooo yummy carrots!” Pippin was saying picking several different vegetables out of the ground while Merry kept an eye out.
“Is that enough?” Merry asked growing a bit impatient.
“I spose so! But I’m not to sure! Perhaps we should take a bit more lettuce!” Pippin replied grabbing a head of lettuce and thrusting it in to Merry’s arms as he began to pick up everything else he’d picked.
All of a sudden from the end of the field an older Hobbiton voice could be heard “WHAT ARE YOU BOYS DOING IN MY FIELD AGAIN, IF I CATCH YA AND FIND OUT WHO YA’RE I’LL SKIN YA ALIVE!”
“Uh-oh that’d be our cue to leave!” Merry said running off into the corn field with Pippin hot on his heels.
“We’re almost at the road then we’ll be right and dandy yaw know!” Pippin yelled from behind Merry, just as the last words popped out of Pippins mouth Merry rounded the corner and slammed face first into Sam dropping all his vegetables….

And the rest as they say in the Shire now a’ days….Is history.

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