Design Chapter 2, a Harry Potter + Hobbit Crossover fanfic | FanFiction

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything except my OCs. All the rest of the characters/places/world belongs either to J. K. ROWLING or J. R. R. TOLKIEN.

A/N: This is an A/U. Though the story would be sticking to the canon but from a different perspective. This chapter is revised and edited, thanks to all those who helped me with this. When the Elves communicate with each other they use Quenya Language.

Artulco left the healing area and made his way back towards his flet. The leaves shuffled slightly behind him. Knowing who it was, he stopped and smiled.

“I expected you to come sooner.”

“Well met, dear brother,” came the serene reply.

Artulco turned towards the voice. Standing before him was Lady Ilsiel. Her fair hair was braided with a few tiny flecks of white stalks in them, and in her hand grasped a basket full of grains. He moved to embrace her.

“A star shines upon the hour of our meeting.”

Ilsiel stepped away to look at her brother with glittering grey eyes, her brows furrowed, and tilted her head slightly.

“You seem worried.”

With a slight laugh, the brother began to lead his sister away.”Nothing of importance.”

“You can always share your worry with me,” said Ilsiel with a slight smile as she held his gaze.

“It is nothing,” said Artulco, his spine rigid in his discomfort.

“No, it is not nothing,” a cool voice said from off to one side. The pair turned and saw Lord Varno emerge from the shadows.

“You took too long,” said Varno as he gazed at the lady with soft eyes.

Ilsiel smiled, but asked nonetheless. “What happened?”

She frowned as she saw both lords glance at each other.

Varno shifted his gaze towards the lady in front of him and replied stiffly, “A grown human was brought near to our borders.”

Ilsiel closed her eyes and heaved a sigh. “Why?”, she inquired.

Before Varno could give an answer, Artulco intervened, his lips drawn in a thin line.

“He carried with him a child who was injured.”

“The human is the gamekeeper at that school, and the one who brought him near our borders was Allinde,” Varno countered coolly.

Ilsiel fixed her brother with a hard stare.

“What is she doing in the forest?”

Artulco hesitated for a moment. “There is news regarding the downfall of that dark wizard at the hands of a child,” stated Artulco with a sigh. “The whole Magical World celebrates the day.”

Ilsiel continued to gaze at her brother, but he remained still. At last, she broke the silence, pinching the bridge of her nose and breathed deeply. “It was not a wise decision. If any of the other magical ones had seen her and followed her in our home…”

Looking at the stars above, she continued, her voice breaking slightly. “We have already lost our home 2000 years ago. We have lost some of our people to these magical ones. This journey has already been as terrible as the first dawn. We will not be able to endure the loss again.”

“Do not worry, melda,” said Varno soothingly as he placed his palm on her arm. “We must have faith in Eru. We are trying our best to make certain these people never discover us.”

“I will make certain Allinde understands the implications perfectly. It will not happen again,” promised Artulco as he gave his sister and the other lord an even stare.

Ilsiel shook her head a little and placed a hand on her brother’s shoulder. “Do not be overly hard on her. She is young,” she said soothingly. “Let us proceed. Everyone is waiting at dinner for us.” She turned and walked away with a sigh.

Both lords shared another glance and followed in her wake.

As they reached the flet where dinner was served, Artulco looked around and spotted Allinde seated with the members of her patrol. With a slight nod to Lord Varno and Ilsiel, he made his way to the culprit.

Allinde stood up as she saw Lord Artulco approach their group with hard eyes and his fist closed tightly at his side, his mouth pressed into a thin line. The other members noticed their lord coming in their direction and followed the example of their hesto, their brows furrowed but giving no further sign of their unease. They all bowed slightly as Artulco came to halt in front of them.

“Did you even notice how wayward your behavior was today?” Artulco demanded of Allinde.

The patrol captain creased her eyebrows, looking around as all had gone silent the moment the Noldorin lord spoke, but answered nonetheless. “I do not understand. You yourself gave permission for the child to be brought forth.”

“You failed to mention to me that you were the one who led the human to us,” said Artulco slowly, with a raised brow. “He had every opportunity to observe you.”

Her eyes widened slightly at that, but she replied surely. “He would not have drawn the connection even though he saw me.”

“And how can you confirm this? Did you examine his thoughts?”

Taking a deep breath, Allinde replied, “He never gave any indication of knowing or recognizing me. And Atto, this is Hagrid, we are speaking about.”

“I recall you mentioning he is loyal to the headmaster,” Artulco said as he continued to stare at Allinde with hard eyes. “Do not forget, he was the one who found us staying here even though it has been years since any other did. I think that is a threat.”

“My apologies, my lord. It will not occur again.” Allinde bowed her head.

“No, it will not,” said Artulco strictly.

Allinde looked up at her father with wide eyes as the other guests gasped around them. Artulco paid heed to none of them and continued in a tone of finality. “You are stripped of your post. You will only enter these woods when your time in the school is over. You will return to the school before daylight.”

Her heart beat wildly, her palms sweated and her vision slightly blurred, as she heard his decision. Allinde cleared her throat with difficulty and tried to articulate. “But, my lord-” She was cut off by Artulco raising his hand, silencing any complaints or queries. He turned to Ohtar and pulled him aside.

Though many placed a consoling hand on her shoulder as they pulled her away from the center, Allinde noticed none of them. She was brought out of her thoughts by someone coming to stand before her, their hands on her shoulders, shaking her slightly.

“Well met, Lomiel,” said Allinde with a little smile, as she blinked a few times to make the blurriness go away.

“Well met, dear sister,” said Lomiel as she gave Allinde a wan smile and placed something in her hand. “It will be a long time before we meet again. I had made it for your begetting, but I will be departing soon, and we now will never know when we will meet again.”

Allinde unwrapped the package to reveal a beautifully crafted dagger. “Thank you, sister. It is beautiful.” Allinde hugged her sister. She stepped away, untied her pouch from her belt, took out an ordinary hand mirror from inside and handed it to her sister. As she noticed Lomiel look at her in confusion, she explained. “It is a two-way mirror. Whenever you desire to speak with me, just say my name on it and I will appear on the yours and you will appear on mine. Though I advise you to use it only at night as I will be quite busy after daybreak.”

Lomiel kissed her sister’s cheek. “Thank you. I will keep it with me always.”

She lightly traced the borders and frowned as her fingers touched something rough, and she twisted it to examine what turned out to be a lightly-carved, roughly-shaped Elf rune.

“This makes it less prone to breaking,” Allinde replied to Lomiel’s look of confusion.

Rolling her eyes, though with a slight smile at the corners of her lips, Lomiel said, “Your crafting skills are marvelous.” Her sister grinned at her in return.

“Agreed, dear,” came a cool voice from behind them. They turned and saw Alassea, with her arms at the back, making her way towards them.

Allinde creased her eyebrows, her lips drawn in a thin line as she crossed her arms over her chest. “You would know nothing about crafting either.”

“Very astute observation. Thus, it seems, years of pouring over books was not wasted. It gave you the knowledge to recognize the difference between a healer and a blacksmith.” Alassea’s reply was quite dry, accompanied with a slight twitch of her lips as she fixed Allinde with an even gaze.

Allinde though undeterred, replied steadily. “However, it seems your brain has finally addled. It does not seem healthy to surround yourself with so many herbs every day as you seem to recognize a warrior for a scholar.”

Lomiel heaved a sigh, as she regarded both the maidens staring hard at each other. Though as suddenly it started, it ended, as the next moment they embraced each other.

“I wondered how long would it take you both to get past your childishness,” said Lomiel with a shake of her head.

“Never!” they chorused together. Alassea turned, gave Allinde a box and watched her eyes widen as she opened it. “These are healing herbs and bandages. Use them wisely.”

Allinde gave her an irritated look. “I am not heading to a battle.”

“The place where you would be heading is not less than a battle ground,” said Alassea with a raised her brow. “You just said you are a warrior. And a warrior does not need a reason to hurt themselves”, she added wryly.

Allinde rolled her eyes in return.

This was how Ohtar found them. After gazing at their smiling faces for a while, he approached with a grin, though it did not reach his eyes.

“Well, I have not brought anything as grand as herbs or a dagger, but I hope you like it anyway.” Ohtar placed a small hand crafted bracelet in his sister’s hand. “We will miss you.”

Allinde lightly touched the wooden accessory in her hand with a big smile and misty eyes. She looked up and pulled her brother into a tight hug.

“Take care of yourself and Lomiel.”

They stood together for a moment and then Ohtar stepped away. He looked at his sister with his eyebrows creased.

“How did you know?”

Allinde said nothing, just smiling wanly in return. She gave a sudden slight hysterical laugh and said, “Let us dine together.”

Then she led them all to the table, where food was waiting, chatting merrily all the way.

At midnight, a figure dropped lightly from her flet on the ground. Just as she was about to embark on the journey, a smooth voice called out from behind.

“Would you not even say goodbye?”

She sighed, then slowly turned around to see three figures emerge from the shadows and come to halt in front of her.

She bowed slightly in their direction but remained silent.

With a sigh, Lady Ilsiel stepped forward, placed a few coimas wrapped in leaves in her hand as she kissed her forehead. “Just in case.”

Varno stepped forward, and laid a hand on her shoulder. “Stay on your guard,” he advised strictly. “Do not underestimate anyone.”

As both Lord Varno and Lady Ilsiel pulled back, Lord Artulco stepped forward and fixed her with a solemn stare. “Be wary of the headmaster and the dark wizard. Something so evil cannot be overcome so easily. It may not be as over as it seems.” He finally softened his gaze and placed a kiss along her brow, and said softly, “Be safe.”

Allinde took a deep breath and turned around. She glanced a last look and said, “Farewell.”

“May the Valar be with you,” they all whispered together as they watched her leave in the darkness.

It was a long journey back to the castle as Allinde maintained an even pace through the woodland. She heard sounds of hooves behind her and her hand crept inside her cloak to the hilt of her dagger as she quickly climbed a nearby tree to wait for the intruder to make an appearance.

Out in the clearing came a being -half human, half horse, nocking an arrow on his longbow.

Allinde slide back further away from view, though she kept an eye on the centaur. After looking around, he turned and left the clearing, out of her sight. Allinde heard no further sound of hooves , and heaved a frustrated sigh, making her way through the trees.

Just as the sky turned red, Allinde reached the edge of the forest, clinging to the shadows.

She glanced about for a while, and made her way along the edge of the forest, angling herself slightly to come out of the shades of the trees and stride towards the front door.

She heard the gamekeeper bustling in his cabin and her feet faltered for a moment, though she quickly gained her bearing and continued the journey with even steps. She almost heaved a sigh of relief as the front door came into view and made her way towards it. Then a booming voice called from behind her.

“Good mornin’, Perfessor!”

She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm the sudden bout of nerves, and turned towards the gamekeeper. “Good morning, Mr. Hagrid.”

Hagrid steps slowed for a moment as he got closer and caught her face.

“Do yeh have a twin or sumthin’?”

“Yes and she lives in this forest,” replied Allinde evenly, raising a brow, though her fist were held tightly at her side.

Hagrid just gave her an incredulous look in return.

“It was a joke, Hagrid,” she said with a roll of her eyes. Then she turned round to resume her journey.

The gamekeeper scratched his head and followed the professor, quickly catching up.

“Why were you not celebrating yesterday night?” Allinde inquired, not looking at the giant of a man beside her. “I would have thought you would be happy”

“I’m ‘appy o’ course. I was jus’ busy. Perfessor Dumbledore’s business, ye see,” Hagrid replied, twisting his hands and focusing his eyes away from the professor. “What abou’ yeh? Wer yeh celebratin’, Perfessor Vector?”

“Yes and No,” smirked Allinde, though her eyes were shadowed.

Hagrid again gave her another curious look. Before he could ask, however, she begged off, saying “Well, I must take my leave. Good day.”

Then she quickly moved ahead.

“Weird,” muttered the gamekeeper as he turned towards the great hall.

The three Elven figures watched Allinde until they could see her no more.

Ilsiel and Varno turned to depart, but saw Artulco still staring after Allinde.

The Elven Lady glanced at Lord Varno. He wavered for a moment, but at the pleading look in her eyes, he left. Ilsiel turned and laid a hand on her brother’s shoulder, urging him to turn around. “We must depart. The others will soon follow.”

Artulco turned and gave his sister a wane smile. “Of course.”

The two siblings walked to the other group waiting with Lord Varno in the opposite direction of the school. Ilsiel gave the four travelers packets of coimas wrapped in leaves and she kissed their foreheads. Before she could speak, Alassea interjected.

“I do not understand why Lomiel has to come with us. There is no threat out in the human world that Ohtar, Verion and I cannot manage.”

“It is not about how you can manage,” Varno countered coolly. “It is about finding out how to intermingle in their world in a time of need.”

“Be on your guard,” Artulco advised gravely, looking at each of them in turn, lingering on Lomiel and Ohtar for a while.

The four travellers wished all farewell, then turned to leave the forest, journeying away from the school.

Constructive criticism is always welcome. Do review and lemme know what you think so far.

Quenya translations:

Atto – Daddy

Melda – love

Coimas – Lembas

Signing off,


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