Everyone gasped and stared at the place where Mr. Bilbo had dissapeared in open-mouthed disbelief, as if willing him to appear.
Under the invisibility of the eraser, Mr. Bilbo made his way up the stairs of Middle Earth High and headed towards his classroom. Once inside, he again took out the piece of paper and rubbed the Eraser onto it. He instantly appeared.
Mr. Bilbo laughed out loud. “What a trick! I fooled them all!” The door began to open, and the engish teacher hurriedly shoved the Eraser into his pocket. The door opened slowly and Mr. Gandalf stepped in.
He gave Mr. Bilbo a look. “I suppose you think that was terribly clever.”
“Oh, come on Mr. Gandalf! I was just having a bit of fun! Didn’t you see their faces?” he began to laugh quietly.
Mr. Gandalf frowned. “There are many more magic erasers in this school than you’d think, Benjamin Bilbo, and none of them should be used lightly.”
Mr. Bilbo rolled his eyes at the older teacher’s words. “Oh, I know you’re probably right, as always. But I’m still leaving, as I planned. You will keep an eye on Frank, right?” He picked up his traveling bag and prepared to set off.
Mr. Gandalf chuckled. “Two eyes, as often as I can spare them.”
Mr. Bilbo nodded curtly. “I’m leaveing everything to him, you know. He was always my best pupil.” he shook his head sadly.
“What about that Eraser of yours? Is that his now, too?”
“Yes. It’s in an envelope on my desk.” he pointed. “No, no, wait. It’s here. . . right here in my pocket.” Mr. Bilbo chuckled nervously. “Isn’t that funny. I thought I put it. . . but now that I think of it, why should I give it to him? Maybe I should just keep it. . .”
Mr. Gandalf put a heavy hand on his shoulder. “I think it would be best if you gave the Eraser to Frank. That’s not so hard, is it?”
Mr. Bilbo shrugged his hand off. “Not really. But I just don’t feel like parting with it. It’s mine, after all. I found it ! It came to me!”
“Don’t get angry, now.” Mr. Gandalf looked a little taken aback.
“Well if I’m angry, it’s your fault! It’s mine, my own, my precioussss.” Mr. Bilbo gave his friend one last agitated look before he took the Eraser out of his pocket and stroked it lovingly.
“Precious? It has been called that before, by someone else.”
“Ah, what do you care what I do with it! You just want it for yourself!”
“That is the last straw.” taking a menacing step towards Mr. Bilbo, Mr. Gandalf began to speak in a loud, violent sounding voice. “Benjamin Bilbo! Don’t take me or a conjourer of cheap tricks! I am a fully trained magician with years of practice, and I am not trying to rob you. Only help.” The old history teacher backed down a bit, seeing Mr. Bilbo cowering against his desk. “All these years we’ve been friends. Trust me as you once did, OK? Let it go.”
Mr. Bilbo nodded his head slowly, his eyes brimming with tears. “You’re right. The Eraser must go to Frank. It’s late, and the road is long. It’s time.” He slowly walked toward the door, and opened it.
“Mr. Bilbo. The Eraser is still in your pocket.”
“Oh, oh, yes, oh yes of course.” he took the Eraser out slowly. Slowly, he turned his hand over and dropped the Eraser onto the floor. He then spun around and walked away swiftly. “I’ve thought up an ending for my book.” He said after an uncomfortable pause. “And he lived happily every after, to the end of his days.”
“I’m sure you will, my dear friend.”
“Goodbye, Mr. Gandalf.”
“Goodbye, Mr. Bilbo.”
The English teacher walked away down the alway, singing. “The day goes ever on and on, down from homeroom where it began, now far ahead the day goes on, and I shall survive it, if I can. . . ”
Mr. Gandalf nodded slowly. “Farewell, my dear friend,” he spoke softly. “Until our next meeting.”

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