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Council of Elrond - Fanfiction

The Day the Advisor Lost It by GreenLeafGurl (G)
Summary: Elladan tells a tale of a day in the Misty Mountains, when Erestor went mad. And a mad advisor, no matter which way you use the term, is never a pretty sight. Though it *can* make a hilarious story once in a while.
Characters: Elladan/Elrohir, Elrond, | Genre: Humor | Chapters: 1
Category: Lord of the Rings Book Fanfiction
Date Added: 2005-04-19 21:36:39 | Date Updated: 2005-04-19 21:36:39
A Story of Randomness by Greenleaf_is_MINE (G)
Summary: What happens when the Fellowship gets thrown into a random dimension along with several other movie characters? Hopefully funny things. Updated as of 4/5/06. Oh hurrah! Chp. 4 is up! Legolas and Sam have completed their quests! Merry and Pippin are having trouble! Who will be the next to win?!
Characters: Fellowship, Other, | Genre: Humor | Chapters: 4
Category: Non-canon/AU/Crossover
Date Added: 2005-04-19 08:38:03 | Date Updated: 2005-04-19 08:38:03
When Pippin was by elvenonion (PG)
Summary: Pippin's first day of first grade with a "Mr.Smith" as a teacher, and a crabby TA:Frodo
Characters: Aragorn, Pippin, | Genre: Humor | Chapters: 1
Category: Non-canon/AU/Crossover
Date Added: 2005-04-18 16:57:42 | Date Updated: 2005-04-18 16:57:42
The Adventures of Ristiel and Daenna. by elvenonion (PG)
Summary: The adventure of two elven sisters: Ristiel, a very angry elf, and Daenna, who is not very bright.(In more chapters the fellowship will be added I just need a start)
Characters: Other, | Genre: Humor | Chapters: 1
Category: Non-canon/AU/Crossover
Date Added: 2005-04-18 16:50:03 | Date Updated: 2005-04-18 16:50:03
On our way to Mordor.... by EiamArwen (PG-13)
Summary: Frodo and Sam's journey, it's really quite funny..please, submit a review, and I in now way intend on calling Frodo and Sam "friendly" I just needed somethng to ryme!
Characters: Frodo, Sam, | Genre: Humor | Chapters: 1
Category: Poetry
Date Added: 2005-04-18 15:47:18 | Date Updated: 2005-04-18 15:47:18