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Council of Elrond - Fanfiction

The Good Orc by Passepartout (G)
Summary: An orc who seems to have a little bit of his elvish side left.
Characters: Other, | Genre: Humor | Chapters: 1
Category: Non-canon/AU/Crossover
Date Added: 2008-06-24 16:09:44 | Date Updated: 2008-06-24 16:09:44
The Adventures of Scaldo and Dwarf by kitt_otter (G)
Summary: Scaldo Chubb is a hobbit who wants nothing more than to eat for the rest of his days, until one horrible day when a rude traveler of no name drags him off into the unknown. At the mercy of an insane dwarf, Scaldo must face unseen enemies, hungry water, and even uncooked meals…
Characters: Other, | Genre: Humor | Chapters: 14
Category: Lord of the Rings Book Fanfiction
Date Added: 2008-04-22 10:10:24 | Date Updated: 2008-04-22 10:10:24
Of Pranks and Arda by LOTR_obsessed_loony (PG)
Summary: Inspired by the "No news, more pranks" club. The as-yet-anonymous author plays a prank on Aragorn, Arwen and Legolas simultaneously and gets caught, resulting in utter chaos, prank withdrawal, and theft to name but a few. Diary format. None of it is mine except the character and a prank or two. The rest of it is the property of Tolkien and the members of the "No news, more pranks" club. (Chapter 4 is up!)
Characters: Other, | Genre: Humor | Chapters: 4
Category: Non-canon/AU/Crossover
Date Added: 2008-04-14 05:10:59 | Date Updated: 2008-04-14 05:10:59
The Mischief Chronicles by Tulcadhiel_Greenleaf (G)
Summary: Ever wonder what Elrohir, Elladan, and Legolas were up to as elflings? These are some tales in which the three of them create mischief when they are young, and includes many other elves from the books, most of whom unfortunately get tormented by these trouble makers. Stories include such exciting things as highly explosive fireworks, eyebrow remover, pea shooting, and many others to come. Please read and review! Chapter four coming soon!
Characters: Elladan/Elrohir, Legolas, | Genre: Humor | Chapters: 4
Category: Lord of the Rings Book Fanfiction
Date Added: 2008-04-12 16:02:58 | Date Updated: 2008-04-12 16:02:58
Orc Talk! by kitt_otter (G)
Summary: Young Legolas learns a new word and his older brother learns to be more prudent.
Characters: Legolas, Thranduil, | Genre: Humor | Chapters: 1
Category: Lord of the Rings Book Fanfiction
Date Added: 2008-04-03 11:36:42 | Date Updated: 2008-04-03 11:36:42