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Post pokemon (see occ)
on: July 03, 2004 05:22
((yey finally started! woo!))

"guess what zanna?" zannas mom asked her monday morning at breakfast. Zanna looked up board at her.

"what?" she asked sulkily.

"your uncle je-bob, is comeing into town today. he has been traverling the world for the last couple of years compeating in pokemon champeonships all over the world! and i know his been looking forwould to meeting you and well to make up for missing so many birthdays and chrismases i can say that you might be getting a very good gift from him" her mother told her happily.

"really!?" zanna asked pirking up and smileing bringtly.

"oh yes cirtainly. he will be here around lunch so why don't you meet up with some of your friends and hang around with them until then?" her mom sugested.

"yea okay!" zanna began to get up when her mothr pointed at the chair again.

"you honistly don't think i'm going to let you leave this house until youve had breakfast now are you? sit back down and have your toast!" she ordered glareing down at her.

"yes ma'm!" Zanna said carcasticly pokeing the peace of toast on the table that was horribly burnt.

((i'm horrible at beginings, hopefully it will get going propally.))
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 03, 2004 05:38
Merry was walking down the street, She had just cleaned her pokeball, and had packed all of her previsions for the days training.
"Come on Steel!" She called back to the house. A growlithe emerged from the doorway, and shot up the path. It tripped over several times. Merry laughed, and knelt down to meet him. Steel licked her hand joyfully.
"Are you ready for a hard day's training?"
Steel let out a 'yip'.
"Come on then!"
They both set off down the road, wondering who they would find to battle today. She loved Fire and Dragon pokemon, and knew that these pokemon would be her future...

[Edited on 21/05/2004 by Aerhíril]
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 03, 2004 06:16
((You never really know where your story's going to go if you have a bad beginning! Yours was okay!))

Lydia woke up later than she had planned. But since it was summer vacation it really didn't matter. She stumbled out of bed and into her empty kitchen, her parents had left for work already, so she made some toast and jam.

"Vul?" Lydia looked under the table to see her Vulpix looking at her with hungry eyes.

She brushed her green hair out of her eyes and handed some toast to her little friend and continued eating. "You want to start our journey today Vulpix? Summer's here and all of the trainers will be at their top now!" Lydia cleared her area and changed into her school girl outfit.

Even when school's over she loved showing that she went to the best private school on Cinnabar Island. Her step-father was the gym leader Blaine, so Lydia, of course, could afford to go to a school like this.

Vulpix never liked to go in her pokeball so Lydia was forced to watch Vulpix's every move. "Let's go watch Blaine battle! Maybe he'll have time to let me have a go!" Vulpix lead the way with Lydia right behind her.

"Growlithe! Ember!" Blaine's voice echoed through the gym as his Growlithe lead the attack. Lydia took a seat in the stands and Vulpix sat on her lap.

"This should be good!" Lydia said. "Blaine's Growlithe is a level 42, but his opponent is a level 20 Starmie!" After what seemed like forever, Blaine came out victorious.

"You should train your Starmie more if you want another shot against me!" Blaine shook hands with the kid as he left the gym in search of the Pokemon Center.

"That was good," Lydia said walking out to Blaine, "but I know you can do better!"

"Hey! I don't always have to be at my full to win!" Blaine smirked, headed towards his office in the back.

"Could I have a shot against you?"

"I'm busy now squirt. Maybe later. Go see if any of your friends will battle you."

"Fine." Lydia rolled her eyes and Vulpix followed her out of the gym and towards the park. Lots of kids battled here. "Hopefully they'll be someone challenging here." But it was unlikely. Lydia beat most of the kids on the island and tourist season wasn't until next month.
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 03, 2004 07:55
((i honistly swear the name 'je-bob' is the most worst made up name ever! agh i'm so crappy with names!))

Zanna put on her coat and ran outside and looked around wildly for any signs of people, seeing none she started to walk to the grass that grew thick on the borders of the village.

"no wait a sec.... if i do that whats the incredibly high possibility that some whacky proffesor will run out and give me a letcher on how dangerouse it is to go into long grass without a pokemon?" Zanna said to herself frowning. "but then again what the heck?" she ran over to the grass hopeing to catch sight of anyone but all in vain as she wallked through the long grass but their where no sighns of any pokemon or people.

"little girl! do you know how dangerouse it is to run around in grass land full of dangerouse and unpredicterble wild pokemon?" asked a voice from behind her.

"i suppose that will be some whacky proffeser now...." zanna thought to herself as she turned around and supprised to find how wrong she was, their was a man in around his mid thirtys with big round glasses on wearing shorts and some kind of exsplorers hat and coat.

"uncle je-bob?" zanna asked in supprise because she recornised his photo from the mantlepeice.

"oh i suppose you are my neise? anna or something like that?" he peered down at her as though inspecting her.

"zanna acherly. and yes i am your nease. but i thought you would be arriving a bit later." Zanna said sounding a bit put off.

"oh tish-tosh! watches and time peices are for thouse people who are blinded by the modernising cirsiety today. i dont need no watch for the sun shale always tell me the time and it has never failed me yet!" uncle je-bob said as though giveing a speach. zanna gave him a very funny look and had the imprestion that he was quite mad.

"so is that why your at least four hours early?" she asked mildy smileing.

"dosent your mother teach you any manners for i am the great exsplorer je-bob!" uncle je-bob annocnsed pointing to the sky.

"yea okay... what ever you say great exsplorer je-bob! i'll just go look for my friends now and not hang arond with my mad uncle" zanna said sarcasticly and turned around to walk away.
"wait! you can't go into long grass without a pokemon! its dangerouse!" je-bob yelled at her.

"just watch me" Zanna snapped takeing a walk forwould.
"i was going to wait until your mother was around until i gave you this.... but i suppose you can have it now. maybe it will teach you to respect great trainers like me!" je-bob said to her and pulled out a pokeball from a poket and gave it to her. zanna looked at it in supprise.

"in side that ball is a very rare pokemon! i hope you treat it well..... i also have this, my friend proffeser oak gave it to me a few years back but i have no need to exsplore anymore and you can have it, its been updated with all the resent pokemon and so forth" and uncle je-bob pulled a pokex and handed it to her.

"wow.... thanks......." zanna said looking down at her gifts with wonder.

"no need to thank me, i'll go vistet your mother now, so you know where i am. have fun with your wickle fwends" uncle je-bob said dismissivly walking off towards her house.

"i wonder how many more weird relitives i have" zanna muttered to herself before walking out of the long grass and back into the village.

"now to find my friends and show off my new pokemon! yey!"

((it happens in the games every single last time, all good and wonderful with it happening in an rp. hee hee crazy relitives))
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 03, 2004 10:44
Zedo stood, almost perched, on the balcony of his window. For the last time, he was moving. he loved all his other homes, but his parents did not. First there was the city of Black Thorn(that's what it's called, right?). Then he moved to Cinnabar Island where he met Lydia. And now he was moving from the city of GoldenRod to sometown called Pallet(is that where Zanna is?). He was throughly displeased. Not that he was spoiled, it was the opposite. he asked for little, just friends, and maybe a game on christmas and his birthdays. But his parents always got him something when they moved, to say they were sorry. His first gift was a Torchic, one he loves. It doesn't look like a normal torchic either. For some reason, it's feathers have flame designs on them. "Zedo, lets go!" his mom called as he left his empty room

when the moving van pulled in, Zedo jumped out silently. He was good at being quiet. Torchic was perched on his shoulder, they had been practing his flying. "C'mon Ember, let's explore," he said quietly to his feathered friend. They walked about the town, and saw many sites, but one caught his eye. A lab that said, "Guests are free to come in!" so, he walked in. It was a pokemon lab, and a man in a withe lab coat was working on something in the back. "Excuese me," Zedo said. "Oh! hello! you must be the new boy, Zedo, right?" the man asked. Zedo noded, and the man said "Well, i know how your parentts said they give you an apolgy gift when you move, but this time, they allowed me to give you one. Oh, and who is this?" he asked indicating Ember. "This is Ember, my Torchic," Zedo sai shifting so Torchic could fly over to say hello. "Hmm, quite a design on him. Anyway, I'll bet your eager about your gift hmm?" he asked. Zedo shrugged, the truth was, he was eager. "Well, your parents said your like fire pokemon alot, so im going to give you this guy!" the prifessor said.

Zedo stood shocked, they barley know eachother's names and he had given him a pokemon! Zedo opened the pokeball, and a small Cyndaquil came out. "He is still a very low level, like your Torchic there, level two to be exact. but I'll bet you can handel him. He and Torchic well get along fine!" Zedo could do nothing but thank him over and over again. "No, it's really ok," the professor said, "but what will you name him?" he asked. Zedo thought for a second, the said, "Blaze, I'll call him blaze!"
(is it ok if he has two really low level pokemon?)
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 03, 2004 12:15
Elaine turned on a street corner, and brushed her black hair back, she looked at her Vulpix, and smiled. Luckily her Vulpix was well-mannered and was able to behave. She walked side by side by her Pokemon until she noticed something, someone on a house Balcony, Elaine really didn't have a home, she walked the streets, looking for a battle, she had found her Pokemon not to long ago, and was very surprised of how Well-mannered she was, a smile appeared on her face as she remembered something a professor told her:
"The Vulpix you have found is rare, its the breed but its the mannered apperence which surpises me, its not everyday a owner trains a Vulpix to be sweet and kind in only a couple of hours."
She chuckled and looked at her Vulpix which was sniffing the ground, she grew confused. What is it doing? she wondered. She kneeled down and saw the Vulpix was scratching the ground in Anger. It moved foreward and she looked what it was pointing at. Some dropped a Pokeball, she thought. She picked it up, her Vulpix backed up, and she grew confused. There was only one way to find out out. She threw it and a Dratini appeared out from it, she jumped back in surpise, she ran towards the Pokeball and returned it, her vulpix was hissing, and then it stopped, she didn't really know what to do with it, she put it in her pouch, it was only time to figure who it belonged to she walked forewards slightly and stopped.

(Well we both have Vulpix, if thats ok. I just noticed that)

[Edited on 3/7/2004 by Aelial]
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 03, 2004 12:43
(( -_- We've been cleaning all day and I'm sick of it. If I see another bottle of Lysol, I'm gonna hurl.)

Jae sat in the grass playing with her Mareep, Dee. New Bark was her hometown, but she was ready to leave. At the delicate age of fourteen, it was easy to become pissed. Right now, Jae was pissed at this little old town. She wanted to become a pokemon master with Dee by her side, but it was nearly impossible with Jae's mom breathing down her neck. Now, she had just barely managed to convince her mom that she was up for becoming a trainer. She wasn't about to blow it by doing something stupid. If she went home now, she was sure to cause trouble, and that was the worst that could happen.

She lay down on her back an stared at the clouds embedded in the azure sky. Dee nudged her with her deep blue nose.

"Mareep?" The pokemon bleeted worriedly.

Jae laughed, "I'm okay, Dee. I just think I'll--" she yawned "--take a little nap if that's okay."

"eeep," She cuddled with Jae until girl and pokemon fell asleep.

[Edited on 3/7/2004 by Saeran]
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 04, 2004 02:47
"Merry! wait!"
Merry swung around, and running up the path, was her father.
"I know that you will be away this summer, and that you and Growlithe are attempting to become pokemon masters...so I thought that I would see if my friend would mind giving up the new born pokemon that just hacthed. He said he didn't have the time to care for it...so well I thought that you may like it."
He threw a pokeball up into the air, and out came a Charmander. Merry gasped with suprize, and Steel yipped with delight.
"A charmander!" She said estactic.
"He is level 6, and he's all yours."
"Really? Thankyou so much! I think I will call him Spear." She picked up the pokball, and returned Spear to his pokeball. Saying goodbye once again to her father, she headded to the ferry which would take her from Cinibar Island to Pallet town.
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 04, 2004 03:06
Zedo walked happily into his new house, where his mom was sweeping. "Look mom! the professor gave me a cool new fire Pokemon!" he sxclaimed. "That's nice dear....AH!!!" she screamed at Blaze. "IT'S A RAT! KILLIT!!" she swiped down on it, but Zedo caught the broom with such a force his mom lost her balance. Zedo looked at her with his piercing orange eyes. Even through his thick orange hair, it was a gaze that said something. "He's a cyndaquil, and he's mt new pokemon." "If i knew the prof. was going to give you a rat, i wouldn't have let him." she said. But after she studied him, she became fond of him. "Well, he is cute," she said. "he's Blaze," Zedo said.
(Ps- if you haven't guessed by now, Zedo looks like my avi. lol Saren knows. lol!)
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 04, 2004 03:27
She turned the corner but as she did she noticed something unusual, a giant gym was built right there in front of her. She raised her eyebrow, she walked in and saw other Pokemon trainers training them. She didn't know what to do.
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 05, 2004 04:32
((Is yours a guy or girl? Cause mine's a girl and she likes yours!))

Lydia had decided the park wasn't good enough so she headed back to the gym. It was about time for the trainers to start coming in and get help from Blaine.

Lydia took her normal seat in the stands as Vulpix started sniffing around. As soon as a girl walked in Vulpix got up and headed towards them.

"Vulpix!" Lydia yelled as she ran across the floor. "I'm sorry if she scared you or anything like..." Lydia lost her thought when she noticed the girl had a Vulpix too and Lydia's was sniffing the girls.

Lydia decided to leave the two alone. "I'm Lydia by the way! Blaine's my step dad and he's the gym leader here!"
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 05, 2004 05:12
Merry caught sight of cinibar gym, and thought for a minute.
She came to the conclusion that she would train her new charmander there for a while, and get Steel some extra experience. When she walked in through the doors, she could already see many trianers fighting there. She looked around for someone to challenge.
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 05, 2004 08:36

She chuckled as another Vulpix came along, "I'm Lydia by the way! Blaine's my step dad and he's the gym leader here!" she smiled, "I'm Elaine, I'm sort of new here, well I just got here" she looked at her Vulpix and then at Lydia.

[Edited on 5/7/2004 by Aelial]
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 05, 2004 02:01
Jae opened her eyes slowly. Huh? she thought. Where am I? Then it all came back.

"I'm so sorry, Dee!" Jae groaned. "I fell asleep while we were training!" The Mareep looked up at Jae with loving eyes. Obviously, Dee hadn't minded. Jae smiled and rubbed her pokemon's head happily. Then she stopped, surprised. Beside Dee was a pokeball. Jae was sure it hadn't been there before.

"What's this?" She muttered, picking it up. Jae never approved of pokeballs. She thought they were prisons for pokemon. Holding it high in the air, she released the pokemon trapped inside. .....

((Nyah! You'll have to find out what it is later! Dinner time... :rolling: ))
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 05, 2004 07:00
(( Finally back (-_-) Guess what? My mom not only wanted to go out for dinner, but she also made me go shopping with her :twitch:! That's so unfair! I watched her try on clothes for an hour, and I couldn't even buy anything myself since I'm broke :nono:Can you tell I'm bored? And as for how Zeto looks...:drool:...He's a classified Grade A hottie! Yum, eye candy is tasty Go get 'im aragornlvr!:love: ))

She stared, wide-eyed. Standing before Jae was the most majestic dog-pokemon she had ever seen. It's a Houndour, she automatically remembered from her studies. A dark pokemon....a rare dark pokemon! No---it's also a fire-type. Both dark and fire! It must be strong....

It surveyed her critically, it's cold eyes and firm mouth neutral. It obviously din't know what to think of Jae yet. It wan't very big, only about two feet high. It wan't in it's adult form, Houndoom, yet. It was still a puppy. A quick peek under it's belly verified that it was a boy. Jae din't touch him, but she cautiously reached out and put her hand a few inches from it's nose.

"Come on, boy," she urged. "I just wanna be your friend." The Houndour met Jae's eyes piercingly. Ha looked aggressive and mean, but she had confidence that every pokemon had a good side to them. A pokemon could look harmful, but be really sweet on the inside, Jae had decided a long time ago. This Houndour, she knew, was no different. Tentatively, he sniffed her hand. Then, Jae saw a pink tongue slide out of his mouth and brush the tips of her fingers.

Jae smiled and laughed, "I knew you were nice! That mean face doesn't hide the real you!" Jae gruffly reached out and stroked the pokemon's neck. She saw his eyes soften, and knew that this Houndour was her's. On a sudden impulse, she gripped him in a tight hug. It wuffed softly in surprise, but let her touch him. When she finally let go of him, Jae gestured towards Dee. "This is Dee, my Mareep. She gets along with most pokem---," Jae stopped in surprise. Mareep was already making friends with the Houndour! She was sniffing him and bleeting every once in a while. Finally, Dee sniffed in approoval and rubbed up against the other pokemon. The Houndour looked surprised for a moment, but at last licked the wool pokemon roughly on the forehead. Jae smiled, satisfied. She glanced at the time on her pokegear casually, only to freeze in panic.

"Oh. My. God.," She said suddenly. "We are so totally late, you guys! Mom's gonna kill me if I miss lunch!! Dee, I'm gonna have to put you in your pokeball 'cause you're too slow!" She reterned the Mareep and, panicking, Jae held the Houndour in her arms. Brushing her Reddish hair out of her face, she put Dee's pokeball on the chain around her neck. She kissed it for luck.

Then she ran like the wind.

(( Sooooo booored!! :banghead: et:....... I love Jason Mraz and strawberry jam! *cough*Random*cough* :yawn: :sleepy:
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 06, 2004 05:37
((we.re in new bark for hevens sake! dose anyone ever bother reading what i put in the OCC? new bark! new bark! new friggen bark! and last time i checked unless this is like ten years from when pokemon is based in the game/ t.v program. it dosent have a gym! though we could make it ten years in the futcher if you lot don't want to edit your posts alot.))

zanna looked around, nobody about....
"its quite too quite... maybe my pokemon can help me find my friends!?" the idia seemed to see reasonable.
"okay thingy ma bob, or what ever you are i choose you? man.... that sounded kinda lame...." she dropped the pokeball on the floor and a pokemon sprouted out of it. it was an absol with its white fur and innocent black eyes and blade like things sticking out of it, zanna thought it was adorible.
"a cute looking pokemon that looks like it can beat the liveing out of anyone! awsome!" and she hugged the pokemon happily. absol on the other hand did not appesheat being hugged and butted her playfully away.
"oh i get it! you an unsocible pokemon!welll we can change that. now lets go find my friends. can you like pick up their scent or something?" she asked absol, absol looked confused and tilted its head to the side.
"oh right you need scent..... could you try and pick up a vulpix or anouther pokemon?" she asked, the absol nodded and sniffed the ground and galloped off in a cirtain direction.

((ugh.... that was terrible! not intirely in the mood today.))
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 06, 2004 07:29
Merry looked around, but everyone she could see were already engaged in battle.
She saw a Houndour battling a squirtle near the back of the gym. 'I would love to catch one of those some day...and a dratini too...' She thought for a while.
Well then! She looked down at Steel. You ready to go train Spear? Steel yipped.
"Ok then!" Merry released him from his pokeball.
"Char!" Spear released a huge line of fire into the air. Stell took this up as a challenge, and did the same. Only his attempt went much further and was alot hotter. They had obviously established who was top dog.
Come on then! Merry Walked across the hall, and head for the assult course.
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 06, 2004 07:42
((I remembered that we're in New Bark!!! :love: ))

Jae tried sneaking up to her room quietly, but her mother obviously had super-senses. Jae froze as a broom smacked the stair-step next to her. She turned slowly and faced her doom.

"Uh, hi.....Mom," she said stiffly, forcing a grin on her face.

"You're late, Jae!" Her mother howled. Jae could've sworn she saw fire in those eyes. She still carried the Houndour in her arms.

"Yeah...uh...about that," Jae tried looking at anything but Mom. "I found this new pokemon, Mom, isn't it...cute?"

"Another disgusting creature to take up space?" Mom gave the Houndour a look that could peel paint. "I'll be glad when you're gone! That way I won't have to clean after you and you're...you're....pets!" The angry mother turned and stomped away. Jae released Dee.

"Sorry," Jae appologised to the pokemon. "Mom can be a real pain in the butt." Except she didn't say 'butt'. "Oh yeah, that reminds me: I still have to name you." Jae patted Dee on the head and turned to the Houndour. Her brain racked for a suitable name. Finally she had it. "I'll call you Keir, okay? It means "black" which is exactly what you are! You are as black as the night sky, Keir." Jae smiled and rubbed his neck affectionately. Keir gave out a small howl of agreement.

"Mom?! I'm leaving for my pokemon adventure, now!" Jae called as she closed the door behind her. There was no answer. Jae hadn't wanted to leave untill tomorrow, but it looked like there was no choice. Her mom was going a little too far.

Walking down the path, she saw her friend Zanna looking for something, "Hey, Zanna!" she called waving to get the other girl's attention. Jae noticed that there was a new pokemon following her. She walked up and examined it. "Wow, we must be lucky today! I got a new pokemon, too."


(( I'm braindead. How will we all meet up if we're in different towns? I'm so confused :dizzy: ))
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 06, 2004 09:56
(Ahhhh! Ok, I will change this....I am now in New Bark, Sorry about the mix up! And am training in the park, if that's ok!)

"Ok Steel, I want you to fire embers at Spear, and Spear, I want you to dodge them. Got that?"

Both pokemon responded gleefully. Merry bend down and gave them both a big hug, being careful to avoid Spear's hot tail. Soon Spear was leaping around madley, while Steel was having a good go at target practise.

Merry looked across the feilds, and saw two people walking down the path in the distance. They had pokemon with them.
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 07, 2004 05:37
"yea i know! my uncle je-bob is like viseting and his like a famouse exsplorer. and he gave me it, isent it the cutest?" zanna said happily.
"dose 'it' have a name?" jae asked.
"i was thinking blade, but that would seem far too stupid and tacky. so i'm just calling it Absol for now" zanna conffessed strokeing the Absols head.
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 07, 2004 06:28
"Hey guys-" Both pokemon stopped. "lets go and see who they are over there." She began to walk towords the two people. There was an absol standing by one of the trainers, and a houndour by the other. 'A houndour!' Merry thought. 'I would loveto have one of those as part of my team, and a ponyta too. She was allways planning ahead of herself, even down to which moves her pokemon would all know.
She called out to the two trainers, hoping to get a reply.
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 07, 2004 07:35
Another trainer came up to her, he was smiling and he looked at her,
"Hello have you seen my Dratini?" she nodded, "He's not much of a good trainer, if he can't keep up with his Pokemon she handed him it and she turned to her and the other trainers vulpix and smiled "I surely wish I could have a Hounder" she said looking around.
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 07, 2004 08:23
"Heeey!" A new voice met Jae's ears. She turned and saw a tall girl with dark blonde hair striding toward her and Zanna. "Are you two pokemon trainers?"

"Yeah," Jae said. "And I guess you are, too. I'm Jae." She mentally noted the Vulpix and Charmander beside the girl. Fire Pokemon.....

"I'm Zanna," Zanna said. "And you are....?"

"You can call me Merry," she smiled.

((Yahoo! I just got new glasses!))

[Edited on 7/7/2004 by Saeran]
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 07, 2004 10:00
"Great." Merry smiled. "This is Steel," She gestured to steel who barked and wagged his tail, "And this is Spear" The charmander jumped up excitedly.
"And I hope to become one of the greatest fire and dragon trainers. I love your Houndour!" She said, looking at Keir.
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 07, 2004 10:49
Arileyel looked at her master, watching her every movement,
when the master turned and watched her it startled the poor creature, and she backed up.

Elaine picked up Arileyel and waved to the other trainer,
she turned to leave and only paced a few steps before she heard a whisper in the air "Scyther," she looked around, there was a pokemon around, she knew it "Scyther!" she saw it, it was cutting through trees as if it was running away from something. She pulled infront of it and she pointed to the Scyther, who was confused at the moment. "Vulpix! Ember!" the pokemon spinned around and fire came out of its mouth, and screamed towards the Scyther painfully,the scyther fell back and got up burned, then he ran up to Ari and screamed "Scyther!" and used its sharp razor-like claws to cut Ari, Ari tail whipped the scyther, and the scyther was weak , Elaine held out a pokeball and the scyther disapeered into the pokeball. She smiled as she found her new found friend

((OOC- I hope this is ok- OOC))
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 07, 2004 01:51
"Oh, really?" Jae smiled. "It may sound kind of weird, but I found him today. I fell asleep, and when I woke up there was a pokeball with him inside right next to me....We must be a destined pair!" She reached down and patted Keir on the head. She picked up Dee just in case the Mareep was jealous.
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 08, 2004 03:40
(umm... yeah, ill be in new bark too)
The group of girls standing on the ground below the tree Zedo was resting in seemed to have similar interests as him, and they were leaving on their "Pokemon Adventure" Zedo wasn't exactly supposed to, but he thought it would be ok. He hopped out of the tree in front of them and they looked at him like "who the freak are you?" "I heard you guys talking, and im in the same sittuation. My name is Zedo, and as you can see, I'm a fire trainer," he said gestureing to his Torchic on his shoulder and his appearnce. He was tall, with orange eyes and orange hair. He had a red shirt and pants that had white flames imprinted on the bottom. He, essentually, was the definition of a fire trainer. "And thins," he said releasing his Cyndaquil, "Is my Cyndaquil, Blaze. And my Torchic is Ember."
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 08, 2004 05:33
"i was like thinking of trying the champeon ships. elight four and what have you.... its going to be weird cause everyone here we will probably be forced to battle before we get to the finals and the elight four. but if we all go together. then think of what fun we will have! but i think we all should go see my uncle Je-bob first because he might have some importent imformation for us. seeing he is an exsplorer and all. plus my mom will kill me if i just got up and left without her knowing." zanna sugested absent mindedly strokeing Absol, who gave out a squeeky purr.
"are thease things ment to purr?" Zanna asked stareing at Absol in suprise.
"Absol, absol!" Absol said happily.

((argh, things getting very confusing. so lets start moving on a little bit. i;ve left a very important messge (or just about to) in the occ. you must all friggen read this time!))
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 08, 2004 08:19
"Really?" merry exclaimed as Zedo claimed he was a fire trainer. "I am too! Well," She added. "And dragon, but mainly fire. We can help eachother train!"
When it was suggested that they go to get some infomation before they set off, she agreed. Merry returned spear to his pokeball.
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 08, 2004 10:27
After she caught it, something strange happened. The pokeball shook and then some reason opened on its own, the scyther came out and growled, she backed away fiercly, but the scyther ran as he heard a mans voice calling. She sighed in Relief and turned.

(hope thats ok, he is gone)
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Post RE: pokemon (see occ)
on: July 14, 2004 03:58
OOC: i will be gone from June 16-aghust 6.
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