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Post RE: The Begining of Hope (join by permission please)
on: August 27, 2006 10:01
"Well," Elwen answered, "To answer your first question, we *are* going to tell Ada, and to answer your second question, that is quite a problem, you see, Faewen comes and goes in Imladris and you never know when she will be here." Elwen kept her death grip on Glorifindel's arm the whole time she was talking, and several elves looked on with amusment as the mighty balrog slayer was being towed around by the young daughter of Elrond.

Glorifindel grit his teeth, trying to hide the fact that he was struggling to keep up with the nimble maiden in front of him. He would get out of this situation with at least a little dignity. Although, he reasoned, it didn't really matter at the time, for his daughter was the *real* situation at hand. Although Erestor would tease him for the next age and a half.

Elwen quickly let go of Glorifindel's arm as they entered Firniswin's room.As he entered, the Golden haired elf rubbed where Elwen's had had incircled his rather numb upper arm, which had started to reagain blood.

Glorifindel then looked up from his arm and turned to his daughter who lay on the bed. He slowly sat down on the bed beside her and took her hand, which was only slightly warm.

"She will be fine. You need not worry mellon nin." Glorifindel turned when he heard Elrond's gentle voice. He smiled slightly to his lord and then looked at Elwen with a questioning look.

Elwen picked up the hint and went on to tell her father about their suspisions.

"Ada, we think we might know who tried to kill Firniswin and I." at this statment, the twins came out of the bathroom, where they had been cleaning away herbs and medicines. Elrond looked to his sons and then his daughter.

"Yes?" he asked, a frown knit on his brow.

"Faewen." Elwen replied. And then, with the help of Glorifindel, she told her father and brothers of the girl she saw in Firniswin's bedroom, and how Glorifindel had described the she-elf who had lied to them.

sorry the ending is so wierd, I could not find a good place to stop. :rolleyes:

[Edited on 27/8/2006 by Trasta]
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Post RE: The Begining of Hope (join by permission please)
on: August 28, 2006 04:48
"Well, if we know all this now- why don't we get this Faewen!" Elladan cried, grasping his bow and walking for the door.

Elrond shook his head and stopped his son. "Like Elwen stated already, it is not that simple. We know not where Faewen is. She could be out of Imladris by now."

"But we can't just let her free!" Elrohir shouted and Glorfindel nodded, holding his daughter's hand tightly and rubbing it soothingly.

Just then, Estel toddled into the room and scrubbed his eyes wearily. "Ada?" he called, stumbling on the marble.

"Yes, Estel, I am here." the Elf Lord opened his arms and the boy ran to him and snuggled in his father's embrace. "What is it? Why aren't you in bed, child?"

The little boy scrubbed his eyes and smiled. "There's a spider in my room- I want him outside." Still too young to be interested in taming the spider or squashing it himself.

Elrond made a face of pity. "Oh, well, he's probably gone already Estel, your room is quite far from Firniswin's."

"No, no." the boy said, shaking his head as he cuddled close to ELrond. "The spider's caught in his own web." he yawned and Elrond looked at him.

"Estel, that's a little hard to believe."

"Well, he is." The child squirmed so that the elf lord put him on the ground. "Come on, I'll show you!"

Elwen watched as the other's left and she too was about to follow when her mind caught on what Estel had said.

"Caught in its own web..." she pondered a minute more and then smiled. "Caught in its own web! That's how we'll catch Faewen!" In excitment of her devious plan, she ran after the others, leaving Firniswin and Glorfindel, who had chosen to stay with his daghter, in the room alone.
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Post RE: The Begining of Hope (join by permission please)
on: August 29, 2006 04:08
Elwen ran into Estel's room, startling Elladan and Estel.

"Ada! Ada I've got it! I know how we will catch Faewen!" Elrond turned to his daughter, who sounded rather like an elfling.

"Yes Elwen?" he asked as he headed out of the room, after taking care of the spider and putting Estel back to bed. Elladan and Elrohir caught up with their father and sister, intent on the conversation.

"Like Estel said, the spider was caught it it's own web, that is how we will catch Faewen!" Elwen looked very much exited when her father's face lit up with understanding. The twins however looked very much at a loss as their brows knit in confusion.

"What?" they asked in unison. Elwen almost laughed at her brothers, although she had lived with them her intire life, their identical reactions were quite amusing.

"We will catch Faewen in her own web. If we were to spread a rumor around Imladris that I was leaving to Lothlorien, alone, more than likely Faewen will come back. She did not kill me last time, like she obviously intended to, so she will come back, and this time we will catch her red-handed." Elwen's brothers finally understood and nodded once in agreement.

"But Elwen, Faewen's attemps at murder have become more dangerous each time, you *cannot* go completely alone." Elrond pointed out.

"I know," Elwen answered calmly, "That is exactly why I am taking Elrohir with me." she looked at her brother. Elrond and Elladan did the same.

"What?! Why me?" Elrohir hated it when he held the critical roll in plans of any sort,

"Because you can stay quiet and unseen. More so than our older brother" Elwen replied, putting a reassuring hand on her brother's shoulder. Mirth danced in Elwen's eyes as she looked at Elladan, who looked slightly insulted at his sister's statment, but otherwise acknowledged the fact that he could not very well keep quiet and still.

"Alright. We will follow according to you plan Elwen." Elrond broke the silence."But first we will break fast. It is past morning. Estel will definetly be asleep untill at least noon. He has been up all night." The elven lord smiled to himself as he thought of his youngest.
"Elladan, go and tell Glorifindel that we are going to the kitchens for our morning meal. After the elder twin departed, Elrohir folded his arms around his stomach, realizing how hungry he was at the mention of food.

"Well, I hope Arandur has cooked up something good because I am quite sure I could end up going back for thirds." Elwen laughed at her brother's statment and headed for the stairs, Elrond and Elrohir right behind her.
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Post RE: The Begining of Hope (join by permission please)
on: August 29, 2006 07:32
Reluctantly, Glorfindel left his daughter's side. He knew that Elrond would come after him if he did not eat.

She would be fine alone for half of an hour at least.

Firniswin was in a deep healing sleep when he left and she seemed no closer to waking from it than she had seemed an hour before.

He departed and made his way to the dining table where the other elves sat eating and talking politely, all except Elrohir who was stuffing his face as quickly as he could without choking himself.

He sat down in his usual chair and smiled tiredly at them all as they greeted him.

Elrond finished chewing his food and leaned forward. "How is Firniswin, Glorfindel?"

The Vanya sighed. "Same, no real change. She sleeps peacefully though and her fever has indeed dropped. I suppose she will awake before noon."

"I doubt that, my friend." the Lord of the Imladris drank from his glass. "She had a tramatic experience."

The blonde elf nodded. "True, but I know my daugther. She will awake before too late in the morning. The lass cannot stand to sleep for too long."

The others at the table nodded.

"So, what are we going to do about this Faewen? She cannot roam free."

"Well, we are unsure as of yet." Elrond said rather loudly, deciding to keep the truth a secret and get the rumor started with Glorfindel. He would be sure to spread it if it made him angry enough.

Sure enough, Elrond could see the red hot fire burn in the Vanya's normally docile blue eyes. He seemed to snort and the Elf Lord could hear his foot begining to tap anxiously.

"But, Elwen has very important business in Caras Galadhon that she must tend to immediately. She will be begining her journey as soon as she is finished packing."

"What? Are you mad letting the girl travel? She was almost killed Elrond!"

"Oh, Glorfindel. I am fine." Elwen said, smiling warmly. "I will be alright. Faewen is probably long gone by now! Besides," she pushed her plate to the side. "I have business I simply must attend to! It cannot wait!"

Glorfindel seemed simply beffuddled and she could not help but chuckle at him. "Glorfindel, I will be fine."

The Vanya just shook his head and began to devour the food on his plate.

Elladan and Elrohir pushed back from the table and and stood. "Well, we are going to go clear out the stables and get Elwen's mount ready."

"Yes, yes. Thank you!"

Elwen stood up as they departed. "I must ready my bags as well, Ada."

Elrond looked up and smiled. "Alright. You come tell us when your ready to leave."

"Yes, Ada." she nodded and was about to turn to go when one of the hous servants ran into the dining room, crying out. "Lord Elrond, Lord Elrond!"

The elf lord stood up, wiping his mouth he gave the female servant a look of confusion. "What is wrong, Silwe?"

The woman breathed a sigh and pointed to the stairs. "Brennil Firniswin, she awakens my lord! She asked for you immediately!"

Glorfindel, hearing this chuckled at Elrond. "See, I told you so- oh, and look!" he pointed to the sun. "The sun has barely even risen!"
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Post RE: The Begining of Hope (join by permission please)
on: August 30, 2006 10:27
Elwen joined her brothers in the stables once she was done packing her bags, which also included several strong healing herbs and a dagger. And then of course her sword would be hidden under her cloak when she rode to 'visit her grandmother' Elwen smiled as she thought of what her father would do to Faewen if she got caught rather than killed, which was deffinetly a possibility.

As Elwen walked into the stables she found her brothers, struggling to saddle up her horse, Silme (Sil-may). She giggled as Silme's large head turned in her direction, knocking right into Elladan's head. Elladan's hand emedietly shot up to his head, and he glared at the horse as he murmured something Elwen could not make out.

"Hello Silme, Hello El." Elwen greeted her horse and her brothers, calling them with the nickname they shared.

"Hello Elwen." Elrohir replied dully as he tried to pick out all the hay from the saddle blanket atop Silme's long back. Elwen began to stroke her beloved horse's nose, watching Silme's eyes started to flicker up and down as she dozed off. Elwen smiled as she looked over the tall dark grey horse. Silme's back and hind quarters were specled with small white spots, giving her coat an eerie shimmer.

Elladan looked over at his sister with an accusing glare.

"This little devil of yours has been giving us problems all morning. El and I brush her down, with many bitings mind you, saddle her up, and take her out to exercise. What does she do? Roll around in the grass and not only mess up her nice mane and tail, but set her saddle of center, and *then* she decides to go and play with the bails of hay in the back of the stable, sending hay *everywhere* and now poor Mearon and Meldiron are stuck with the job of cleaning up after your horse."

Silme neighed, as if confirming, that yes, she was quite the trouble maker. Elwen didn't know who should be talking though, the twins could be just as bad.

"Alright then, I'll help you." and with that the three siblings saddled up and tacked up Silme.

Meanwhile, Elrond came into Firniswin's room, Glorifindel was already there, speaking quietly with his daughter, who looked very tired, but otherwise looked mostly normal.

"Mae govanen, Lord Elrond, It is a fine morning." Firniswin said. Her voice was still faint, but it still held the joy that it always did. Elrond smiled at her, taking a seat on a wood chair the the right of her bed.

"It is a fine morning." Elrond Replied, looking out of the window across the room. Elrond's face then sobered, and he looked back to Firniswin.

"Firniswin, Silwe said that you wanted to speak to me?"


once again, exuse my spelling...most likely I spelled some thing wrong in this sentence! sad, isn't it? :nono:
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Post RE: The Begining of Hope (join by permission please)
on: August 30, 2006 01:58
"Oh, yes! It is of the utmost urgency that I speak with you." she got very excited, but it was not a happy excitement, rather a anxious or fearful sort of look. Her voice, though only so loud because of her weariness and a bit shaky, was insistant.

The Elf Lord raised his brow and leaned forward, nodding. "Yes, Silwe said that you were anxious to speak with me."

Breathing deeply to catch her breath, the elven warrior grabbed Elrond's hand and looked into his eyes. "I saw the attacker!" she said, gasping.

"Yes, dear." he smiled and patted her hand. "We will be taking care of that. Elwen knew who the attacker was as well and we will be dealing with her shortly."

Firniswin's head snapped up to look deeply in his eyes. She squinted a moment. "But, my lord, the attacker I saw was a he, not a she."

"What?" Elrond rose to his feet, letting go of Firniswin's hand, his silver eyes widening.

"My attacker was a man; not a woman."


LOL! Take that! Mwahahaha!!!
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Post RE: The Begining of Hope (join by permission please)
on: August 31, 2006 02:22
"Elwen!" Elrond fan throught the halls and out of the Last Homely House faster than he had ever run before.

"Elwen! Where is Elwen?" Elrond's voice did not die down as he entered the stables.

"What is it Ada?" Elladan asked after Elrond had stopped speaking. The noble elven lord then realized that he had been yelling quite loudly, and the twins, Elwen, Meldiron, and Maeron were all looking at him. He looked at each of those present and then calmed himself.

"Elwen, Dan, Ro. I think you will need to come with me." Each of them silently walked over to their father, Elwen qietly asked what was wrong but her father did not answer. Instead he looked to Meldiron and Mearon, and asked them to make sure all the horses were fed before they left.

Elwen once again asked her father what was wrong as they headed back to the house, and this time he answered.

"A little while after you left, Firniswin woke up and Silwe told me that she wanted to speak with me." Elwen seemed exited that her friend had woken up, but did not understand why her father wanted to keep this information from two of the most trustworthy elves in imladris.

Elwen did not hold her thoughts for long, as soon she found herself in Finiswin's room. She greeted the Maiden on the bed and then took a seat. Elrond looked at Firniswin, who then looked to Elwen.

"Elwen, I saw the attacker. He is a man, not a woman."

Elwen just stared for a while. How could this be?

"When and where did you see him?" Elwen asked as she continued to stare at Firniswin.

haha! back to you now! :rolling:
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Post RE: The Begining of Hope (join by permission please)
on: August 31, 2006 03:06
Firniswin, wearied already by this exciting day, breathed a heavy sigh. "In the forest, when I was attacked, of course." she leaned back against her pillows. "When I was shot, I fell near the stream where you, Estel, and I were when you were shot. I saw him through the trees when the sun was setting. I never saw a woman."

Elwen turned to the others in the room. "How could she see a man attack her and I see a woman? Faewen came and told us Firniswin was in her room, she must be the one."

Elrond put a finger to his chin and nodded. "The problem to this is that you could both be right, or one of you could be wrong. Either there is a man attacker, a woman attacker, or they are working together?"

"Two attackers?" Elwen blinked.

Glorfindel nodded, stroking Firniswin's dark head with a soft smile. You could see fatherly pride in his eyes and she touched his arm wearily. "Ada?"

He stopped, leaning down to look into her eyes. "Yes, my dear, what is-"

She put a finger to his lips. "I am fine." she whispered, not able to speak any louder. "You need not worry about me."

"Daughter, it is my job." he chuckled as her icey blue eyes sparkled.

She nodded. "I know, but you need to help Elrond and Elwen now. Stop worrying for me and help them find these attackers, before someone else pays the price."

Glorfindel paused and sighed. "Alright, alright. I will not stop worrying, but I will fuel the search with my parental fears." he smiled as she laughed.

"That's my Ada." she whispered, leaning back farther in the pillows. The morning had obviously taken its toll on her.

Then, she turned to Elwen and gulped down a slow breath. She could see Elrond mixing some sort of concoction behind Elwen and Firniswin knew that she better tell her information now.

"Elwen, listen to me." the younger elf's attention was intently on Firniswin. "The man I saw was not an elf. He was human with black hair and-" she stopped, obviously thinking hard. "Green- yes- green eyes. He was tall and slender like an elf, but he was human." she breathed deeply.

"But, are you sure he attacked you?"

Firniswin nodded tiredly. "Yes, I am."

"Well, then why did he not kill you then?" Elwen asked, leaning forward.

"I think he was sure I was going to die, but there was something in the way he looked at me. It was a sort of hatred- or something, I am not sure."

Elrond came forward and helping Firniswin to sit up he put the cup to her lips.

"Elwen, that is all we are going to learn for now. We need to let her rest- she is obviously out of energy."

Firniswin drank deeply and was soon gone in a healing sleep.
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Post RE: The Begining of Hope (join by permission please)
on: September 02, 2006 10:24
Elwen left the room after Firniswin had fallen asleep. This was odd indeed, two killers? A human man, and an elvish woman. It was puzzling beyond words. Were they working together? Did they have the same motive? Did they have anything to do with each other at all? Elwen let her mind run wild for a moment, putting all the pieces she could find into the empty slot of the puzzle. She traced the path to the common room, and sat down in an overstuffed red chair. She needed time to think throught the past couple of days.

Elrond walked silently into the common room, looking fondly on his daughter, who was quietly murmuring ideas and questions to herself. He smiled lightly as he thought on how Elwen had a knack for becoming quiet and absent-minded for days on end, trying to find a solution to a problem. Yes indeed, she had taken after her father. Though Elrond never openly admitted it, he had a tendency to do the same thing.

He slowly walked over to Elwen and sat across from her in another chair. Elrond stared intently into his daughter's eyes. Elwen obviously had much on her mind, for she did not even seem to notice her father's presence.

"Elwen." Elrond brought his daughter out of her thoughts with a start.

"Ada! when did you get here?" Elwen stared at her father as if he had gone mad. Elrond chuckled at Elwen's expression.

"Accually, I have been here for quite a while." Elwen just nodded and seemed to forget it. Elrond continued staring at her.

"What is it that my persistant daughter is piecing together now?" Elrond said, with an amused voice. Elwen looked back to her father, her face still serious.

"Why would their be two attackers? Especially if one is a human man, and the other an elf woman? It just dosn't make any sense."
Elrond looked thoughtful and then started to speak.

"It might be that Faewen had nothing to do with this, she might have been decieved by the attacker that Firniswin saw." Elwen seemed to consider this for a moment, but then a frown knit itself into her brow.

"But what about the elf I saw in her room? She was clearly a woman." Elwen searched her father's eyes for some kind of answer.

"Well that, I don't have an answer for, she might another attacker. She might not have anything to do with this at all. I don't have all the answers." Elrond looked at his daughter, who once again seemed to consider this.

"I have to go and find Faewen." Elwen said suddenly, getting up out of her chair and heading for the door. Elrond was about to protest, but the twins did it for him when they stepped out infront of the doorway on either side.

"You arn't going anywhere." Elladan said, a stern expression on his face. Elwen just looked at her brother for a second when Elrohir started to speak.

"At least, not without us." He had one of his signiture smirks plastered on his face as he leant against the doorframe. Elwen smirked back at her brothers who then beamed at her.

Elrond walked up to the twins and Elwen.

"Alright, go and saddle up your horses and get going. It's almost sunset. He put a hand on each of his sons shoulders and then turned to Elwen and placed a fatherly kiss on her forehead.

"Stay out of danger." Elwen smiled and hugged her father.

"Aw come on Ada, danger? Me? Of course I'll be safe." Elrond chuckled and then sent them on their way. As they left their father, Elrohir turned to his sister,

"Ok, I only come with you as long as *you* saddle up Silme.* Elwen chuckled and agreed. Elladan just smiled at his siblings' bickering. Yes, I would be a bit harder said than done to keep Elwen out of danger.

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Post RE: The Begining of Hope (join by permission please)
on: September 04, 2006 07:54
Glorfindel, hurrying towards the stables, smiled as he caught up with Elwen and her brothers.

They looked at him a moment, but Elrohir was the first to speak: "Lord Glorfindel, what are you doing here?"

The elf lord readjusted his pack and and chuckled. "What does it look like? I am coming with you! Firniswin will be asleep at least a few hours and better I be doing something constructive than worrying myself to pieces!"

Elwen nodded and he took on a more serious note, but she could see the deep mirth in his eyes. "What about you, my dear? Has the trip to Caras Galadhon become less important? It seemed such an emergency this morning?"

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Post RE: The Begining of Hope (join by permission please)
on: September 05, 2006 03:50
Elladan, Elrohir, and Elwen all looked at each other. None of them had thought of how their previous plan would effect anything. Oh great.

"Uh, Glorifindel, you see, T-that was more of a...plan than nessasarily a fact." Elwen said, hoping that the fair-haired lord would understand why his leige plainly lied to him. Probably not. Elwen started to twist the silver band that was intwined around one of her fingers. Please don't get angry! Elwen knew she was making this worse by showing her nervousness.

Glorifindel looked at her for a moment, and then looked thoughtful.

"Glorifindel, did you tell anyone about that?"

[Edited on 5/9/2006 by Trasta]
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Post RE: The Begining of Hope (join by permission please)
on: September 11, 2006 08:57
"No, have no fear, young ones. I told no one of my suspicions." he smiled as the other elves sighed deeply in audible relief.

He laughed lightly and then nodded. "So, what is the plan? Where are we to go?"


(Sorry the post was so short. I started school today, so I don't have much time on my hands at the moment.)
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Post RE: The Begining of Hope (join by permission please)
on: September 11, 2006 04:46
"Well first, we'll ride the paths that the rangers usally take, and then we will ride the main route to the misty mountains. If we don't find Faelwen, we will come back here and try our oringinal plan...Just expecting a different person." Elwen explained, Then she turned back to her horse and mounted. She looked down at the other elves that were standing still.

"Well? Are you just going to stand there like oliphants stuck in the mud? Tolo hi! (come now!) we have untill sun down to get going. Glorifindel was the first to mount his steed, then Elladan and Elrohir followed suit.

As the sun began to fade past the horizon, Elwen spotted a horse in the distance. She slowed Silme's pace so that she was between Glorifindel and Elrohir.

"Sedho, tiro. (quiet, look.) both of the elves obeyed and looked toward the lone rider.

"We shall split up.' Glorifindel whispered, so that only his companions could hear, 'El, go to the north. Elwen and I will head south west."

Elladan and his twin silently nodded and quietly headed off in the appointed direction. Elwen gently steered her horses' large head to her right.
your turn!
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Post RE: The Begining of Hope (join by permission please)
on: September 15, 2006 09:49
Glorfindel urged his horse forward with a quick elven word and followed the elven girl onto the appointed path that lay ahead.

He let the best slow to a steady trot and patted the creatures neck. "Good girl." he whispered.

Elwen did the same and then studied the path as they came to a fork in the road.

The Vanya elf sighed and held tightly to his horse as the steed stamped it's feet impatiently. "Where to now? Both roads are often taken by the rangers, but the road to the right leads to the Misty Mountains." he looked to the elf maiden. "Well, what shall we do? You know Faelwen better than I, what road would she take? Where would they be?"

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Post RE: The Begining of Hope (join by permission please)
on: September 17, 2006 02:16
"Hmm, I would say the road through the mountains, she has close kin in Thranduil's realm." Elwen then silently nudged her horse forward and continued on.

Meanwhile Elladan and Elrohir rode side by side, looking over to their companions every once and a while.

"They are going onto the mountain road, should we follow them or ride closer to the trees?" Elrohir looked over at his brother, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"Hang close to the trees, I will go ahead." Elladan let his steed go into a soft canter, and move ahead of his brother."

Elrohir's horse tryed to move ahead and follow Elladan, but the noldor atop it's back quickly reined it back in.

"Its alright mellon nin, they will be alright." Elrohir looked down at the horse and patted it's neck with a smile. He and his brother's horses were much alike the twins, they were brothers also. Just not twins.

Elwen quietly trotted along the road and then frozed as she realized than Silme had broken a small stick, which now lay at two pieces at either side of the horse's hoof. She stiffened as the stranger ahead turned it their saddle. Elwen just got a glimpse of dark, fearful eyes before the rider took off.



Sorry if my post isn't the best, I'm accually out of town, but our condo has internet access and computers. *daces around room* but, unfortunatly, it doesn't have the peace and quiet that makes it easier to write. its accually rather loud in here...
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Post RE: The Begining of Hope (join by permission please)
on: September 18, 2006 12:41
It's completely alright. I am sorry I haven't had much time to post, or even post a significant amount. I have been extremely busy...

Glorfindel, seeing Faelwen dash ahead, kicked his horse's sides none too gently and raced after the woman.

The beast whinnied unhappily at the treatment, but continued on after the escapee.

Elwen, unsure of what to do, but knowing that she could not leave Glorfindel alone out there, quickly whispered some words of urgency to her own horse. The animal leapt tightly and came to the ground galloping after Glorfindel.

Leaning forward, Elwen watched for sight of Glorfindel upon the road ahead, but he had gone too far in the little time and though her own steed raced, fast as it could, it was no match for the Vanya's brilliantly chosen horse.

Turning her head back, she called out: "Elladan, Elrohir! She fled, and Glorfindel is chasing her!"

She could hear the twin's horses pounding the earth as they, also, broke into a gallop and she pulled the reins of her own horse, petting its neck softly.

The beast neighed loudly and stamped, snorting as the dust about them settled.

The twins came up beside her after a few moments, slowing their horses more gradually than she had, and looking at her with confusion.

"El, what in Arda happened?"
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Post RE: The Begining of Hope (join by permission please)
on: September 24, 2006 12:49
YAY! *dances about room* I am back to my home, and am enjoying the relative scilence. (relative-i.e. my sis is watching MythBusters, don't know if you have ever heard of them, basicly they either bust or confirm uban legends and myths...lots of explosions and collisions and such. its really cool :evil:

"I don't know, Glorifindel ran off, I don't see him." Elwen seemed to pay no attention to what she was saying.

"Eli, stay here, El, come on we're going after Glorifindel." Elladan had an edge to his voice, as he always did when he was anxious.

"But El, don't you think that-"

"Elwen, just...stay here." Elladan stoped his sister from speaking and turned toward the path ahead with his twin.

"Elrohir looked back at his sister with a sympathetic glace. as if to appoligize for their brother.

Elwen lead her horse behind a pine and dismounted. hoping that her fears were without with reason. But she started to doubt that when she heard a twig snap nearby. She silently shited behind the tree and hoped that he - or she - was not the attacker.
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