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Realm Head of Aulë
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: January 03, 2008 08:12
(Yea! Up we go again! )

“Were you planning to travel with us? We are headed towards Edoras, the capital of Rohan. A friend of mine resides there, and these two have graciously extended their hand in helping me reach him.”

Leyn cocked her head and glanced sideways at Vanyanár. "Edoras? That is my birthplace. But bitter memories are held in that place. I will remain with you, however. I have no purpose right now, and joining you might give me one." Accepting the fact her suggestion was overruled, Leyn stooped and picked up her bag of herbs and the messings she had used on Alagos. Placing the bag back around her neck and the rest in the saddle bag, she turned back to the others and said, "The smoke is high, but the fire is low. Only if they smell the fumes can they know we are here, unless they are looking for us. Alagos, I am aware that you have better eyes than I do, but I should be the one to lead right now. I know the way to Edoras from here better than anyone here, and I am aware of a shortcut that will save us time. There is no reason that we should not make it in around two or three days."

Her eyes alit on the dwarf, and they widened in curiosity. She had seen dwarves before in Gondor, but being in company with one-well, that was different. Masking her feelings instinctively behind her grave face, she said to Nori, "What feelings have you about our travel tonight?" She hadn't heard the dwarf speak, and Leyn wanted to know more about those who she would be traveling with.

Strange that I should care so much about these...companions of mine, she thought wryly, grabbing Verelin's bridle and stroking his nose. Never had Leyn said so much to anyone since the death of her parents, and well, who knows where her brother Adarin was? But that was besides the point. Was she acting out of character? Verelin raised his head abruptly and yanked the reins out of her hand. He pranced out of her reach and pawed the ground.

Ignoring the antics of her horse (which could be for no other reason than that he was restless), Leyn took her cloak and laid it over the fire, extinguishing the blaze. Straightening her back, she muttered, "We are ready." These were the last words she would speak to them, unless they asked her again. Leyn was weary of talking and of opening up to these strangers. Exposing oneself did not bode well for the Rohan maid. This way, she could not get hurt anymore, and the pain of losing her family diminished a bit.

Leyn caught Verelin, mounted him, resumed her stony silence, and urged her horse out of the ravine. At the top, she halted him and listened for her companions; the silent tread of the elf, the expected heavy steps of the dwarf, the lighter steps of Vanyanár. Night closed in around them, cloaking them in darkness. For the night they should be all right, and by the light of a waxing moon, they would find their way.

(Ah, I really hate this post. I really can be more detailed. My mind is just not with it today...)
"There is no such thing as a geek, just those who love things the rest of humanity finds weird."
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: January 04, 2008 05:51
Alagos nodded, acknowledging her desire to lead them. He was dubious for he had just met her, and still did not know if she could be trusted. But for now he would. He had met the others, Nori, and Vanayanar facing evil. Leyn had also fought alongside them, but perhaps it was all a ploy. Alagos shook his head to clear his thoughts. He did not need them right now.

Alagos turned to his horse and lept upon her back as effortlessly as if he were walking over a flat plain. His arm twinged, but he was careful, and soon enough the pain subsided. He guided the horse towards the others. It was very strange company he kept these days-he noted.

Most of the people here seemed obsessed with a perhaps otherwise dark history. His own history hadn't been filled with sunshine and better days, but he had learned to accept that fact. Humans. Their lives were so short, they clung to whatever experience they had and in doing so forgot to let themselves have a little bit of breathing space. It was sad, but this was the way of the short-lived humans. This was one thing that Alagos had trouble accepting.

He followed Leyn's trail, keeping a slight distance back. He wanted to make sure that no one was left behind.
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: January 08, 2008 06:01
Vanyanár rode distractedly, not caring to notice whether the others could see her consfused state. Her blessed mare trotted steadily, seemingly oblivious to her rider’s state of mind.

Not only was Vanyanár furious with herself, but she was also deeply saddened by the memories beginning to come to the foremost part of her mind. This journey, though it had been only a few days, was already beginning to take its toll on her being. She sighed inwardly as the harsh stench of the burning carcasses slowly dissipated from her strong sense of smell. Her moss colored eyes steadied themselves on the waning afternoon sun.

Was it not morning just moments ago? She questioned her memory.

She looked over her shoulder as she continued to lull over the day’s events. Alagos’ eyes caught hers, and she turned quickly to face forward, once again. He had heard her softly spoken elvish words, and now she feared her past would not be long in following suit. Vanyanár shifted nervously on her horse’s back, wondering whether the pathetic explanation she had given Alagos earlier had truly been believable.

Darkness soon began its slow dissent upon the land, flooding the valleys and mountains with a sense of mystery and awe. The horses seemed to quiet their steps and all sound seemed to cease for a short moment. Then, suddenly, a cacophony of sweet noises hit the small group’s ears’ as the animals and insects of the night joined in an exquisite composition of melodic sounds. Vanyanár felt her mind quiet as she listened to beautiful noises created by the crickets hiding under their houses of moss and stone and the whippoorwill singing its mournful song in the distance. She could faintly catch a bullfrog adding its joyful hiccups to the song, as other creatures sang back to him.

Why couldn’t I have been born one of these? She thought silently to herself. Only to sing in the evening, hide in the day, and survive throughout my short existence. Why was I born and created as I am. Why would Eru want a maimed and pathetic soul like mine to live out an immortal life. Why could I have not been born different?

A cold chill worked its way up her spine, making her shiver slightly. But it was not the chill of the air the held her, but rather the chill of her own heart. She looked to her right and saw Nori’s steady form beside her. The dwarf looked battle-worn and tired, but she had made no complaint so far. Nor did Vanyanár expect her to. Like most dwarves, she would most likely grit her teeth and continue on in her journey. A small smirk lit the corners of Vanyanár lips as she thought of the strong stubbornness of dwarves. They would rather faint from exhaustion than admit to being too tired to continue.

Vanyanár caught herself nearly smiling and frowned abruptly, creasing the lines on her forehead.

I’m losing control. She thought. Her mind spun as she tried to regain what little pride she had left. She had not smiled joyously for anyone in nearly five hundred years, and she was not going to start now. Shifting slightly, Vanyanár reached down her horse’s side to where she had tied her belongings and pulled out the old book of her mother’s. She had not looked upon it since leaving, and now she longed for its simple texture beneath her touch.

It was nothing but a simple journal, passed down through the generations of her family. Each person was to write the tales of their life within it, and many a tale there was. She had spent many a night reading the deeply woven stories of battle and war, love and death, friendships and enemies. Each had enthralled her and captivated her until the last sentence, and, now, it was her turn to write. She grimaced at the thought, knowing what it meant to write down the truth of her past.

Thinking of it was bad enough, let alone writing it down for future generations to see. The gold-leafed edges caught in the glowing moonlight and flickered up into her eyes. It seemed to catch fire within the green iris creating a beautiful show of emerald and gold light. Those who chanced to see it would have blinked twice at the sight, for an ancient beauty shown deeply in the female’s face, one that would almost give away what she was so desperately hiding.

Vanyanár moved the book abruptly, looking to see if anyone had noticed the glint of its edges in the moonlight. Though she had not yet written within it, her mother had; thus informing future generations of what had happened to her daughter at an age almost too long ago to remember. Vanyanár bent and hid the book back inside the small sack of her belongings. She looked up into the moonlight and frowned. Never before had she felt to be so torn between the good of this world and the bad.

What was happening to her?
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: January 10, 2008 04:54
Nori groaned to herself as she mounted her pony, who immediately protested the added weight on his back. Nonetheless, She pulled his head around to join the other horses, and kicked his ribs to propel him forward. Pony must be more than half mule, she thought to herself.

She showed no outward sign of frustration, however. She was too proud to admit needing help, or even to ask for pity, when it came to her riding skills, or lack thereof. Thus, she rode it out in stoic silence, and her only indication of anger was a well placed kick at the pony.

She felt eyes on her, and turned to see Leyn watching her carefully, her expression guarded.
"What feelings have you about our travel tonight?"
Nori shrugged. "Wherever we go, it has to be better than here- At least we won't be a warg's supper if we keep moving!" She was surprised at the maid's questioning of her. At least she hadn't yet referred to her as a male... but it was bound to happen. She chuckled inwardly, allowing a small smile to creep about her weathered face. "I must thank ye for your swift action concerning those goblins back there. We were tight-pressed, and were glad of your assistance, lass. Your skills are impressive, for one so young. Where did ye train?"

Without realizing it, she had managed to ride up next to Vanyanar, who seemed to be listening in on their conversation. Oh well. Let her be. A little cheer would not do her any harm whatsoever. She was too grumpy- even by dwarf standards- always pondering some dark past, most likely. Nori smiled at her, and listened for Leyn's reply.

((OOC- sorry for the shortness, I was in a hurry!))
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: January 10, 2008 03:24
When Alagos was certain that his companions were not being left behind he rode on ahead. He was silent, his face stoic and calm, but his heart was troubled. Evil had crept into the world. It had begun to strangle the people of Arda.

Alagos sighed quietly, his heart troubled by these thoughts. He did not wish for them to be true, but he knew that it was. He looked to his other companions, they seemed as troubled as he was. Vanyanar especially.

Alagos pittied her, he knew that she would not ask for it, maybe even hate it. But she had a burden on her to great for her to bear. She would let no one get close enough to ease it a little. He wished he could do something but he knew of her distrust towards him. Though she seemed to be changing her mind since the battle.

Alagos hoped that whatever she was dealing with she could control. Watching her breakdown was not someting that he was enjoying. Alagos noticed that Nori was having troubles dealing with her pony. He smiled at this. It was amusing without the intent to be so.

[Edited on 11/1/2008 by minstral_of_the_dawn]
Realm Head of Aulë
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: January 11, 2008 09:04
Leyn cocked her head slightly and looked at Nori out of the corner of her eye. She couldn't decide if the voice she heard issuing from the dwarf was male or female. Her confusion was hidden in the darkness, and the tone of her voice was neutral.

Your skills are impressive, for one so young. Where did ye train?"

"I received training from no one really. Weapons training came from fighting with others in the traveling band I lived in, whether it was sword, bow, dagger, even an occasional pike. My father honed my brother and my own skills by drilling us constantly and then sending us out into the wild to test our abilities. During those times, we learned to fend for ourselves. Not that we were in any real danger, mind; we never strayed far."

Verelin moved along easily, silent as a wraith among the shadowy trees. Only the drumming of his hooves alerted the night animals to his presence. Leyn remained steady on his back, her lower body rhythmic with her horse's strides. Her companions followed on her flank or slightly behind. What puzzled her the most was why she was with them still. In truth, there was no purpose for her to accompany them. Wherever they were headed for, whichever destiny was drawing them to some inevitable fate, that was their own business, not hers.

Vanyanár was having the hardest time of it. Whatever haunted her, that was far beyond the reach of Leyn, who had had no prior experience with someone like her. What could Leyn do to help? A glint of silver moonlight had caught Leyn's attention, but when she had turned her head slightly, Vanyanár had stashed away a book of some sort. But that was no business of hers. In her experiences, Leyn had found that people kept their own secrets. and many times those secrets were not meant to be told.

A wrenching in her gut caused Leyn to yank Verelin's reins back sharply. The horse stuttered to a halt, leaning low over his hocks to balance his weight. Upset, he snorted and pranced in place. The pain crescendoed to a peak and convalesced, leaving Leyn to sit hunched over the saddle, holding her side. Tears streamed from her eyes like a flood, and Leyn was hard-pressed to maintain her composure.

Why now? she thought bitterly, hastily kicking Verelin forward to avoid questioning. Why does the memory of their deaths hang over me like a cloud? I have put it behind me, and I know they are never coming back. Adarin is gone as well; there was no hope for him to be alive.

The scent of burned flesh and wood assaulted her senses. Leyn was transported back to the site where her band had been murdered, if but on accident. She had been young, only nineteen. This was the day that would always stick out in Leyn's memory, no matter how old and senile she would become.

The cool wind slapped Leyn's face as Verelin jolted her to back to reality. She was certain the others had noticed her erratic behavior, but that was besides the point. Surely, Vanyanár had taken harder knocks than what Leyn had gone through, and Alagos was an elf; humans' and elves' perspectives on death, life, and pain were different. As for Nori, well, Leyn could not tell. Truly, what strange company she was with.
"There is no such thing as a geek, just those who love things the rest of humanity finds weird."
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: January 29, 2008 07:37
Vanyanár noticed Leyn halt for a short moment on the path they were taking. Her body language seemed to speak of a deep pain as she bent forward and clutched her side. Vanyanár furrowed her brows and was about to speak when Leyn sat up abruptly and began to move again.

Looking over to Nori, Vanyanár shrugged. Something was amiss with their new companion, but she was not the one who was going to ask of it. She had her own problems to deal with. Though she knew it was selfish, Vanyanár did not want the added burden of having to carry someone else’s worries and pains.

She had been traveling with these people for little over a day, except for Leyn, and she was not willing to become a person in which they dumped all of their past troubles. She had enough of her own as it was.

Vanyanár’s keen ears heard the sound of a stream a few miles off, but knowing that it would only be Alagos who should hear this she waited until it was close enough to be heard by human standards.

“Could we stop at the stream coming up shortly?” Vanyanár asked of her companions. “I would like to wash away some of this orc filth.”

The blood of the goblins and wargs she had killed was beginning to encrust itself onto her clothes and hair, and she suspected that the others would like to cleanse themselves, as well. Coming upon the small brook, Vanyanár sighed softly in content. The others looked dually grateful and all dismounted quickly. Vanyanár took her time in washing away the dirt and filth of the day’s battle. She was reliving every horrid moment of it, and she wished to cleanse it from her entire being.

Her leg still hurt abominably, and she supported her weight with the stronger of the two. Sitting in the grass next to the stream, Vanyanár slowly removed each of her boots and eased her tired feet into the cool water. The moonlight reflected against the gentle waves made by the wind, and she watched in content as the water danced about her feet.

After a few moments she bent and washed her hair carefully, not wanting to hurt her leg any more than it already was. The filth fell off in chunks and flakes, turning the water an awkward color of red, brown, and black as it was pushed down stream. She looked off into the distance and saw the lonely forms of the White Mountains (OOC: I think that’s the name of them). They would have to cross these to get to Edoras, and Vanyanár prayed that Leyn was as good a guide as she said she was.

A soft sigh came from Vanyanár’s lips as she stood and rung out the water from her hair. Her dress was caked in dirt and blood, and she shook her head at the mess she had made of herself. Limping back to her horse, she retrieved her small sack and pulled out her only extra dress. It was of nearly identical appearance, save the silver neck line and edges of its long sleeves.

She turned to Nori who was standing a few paces off, “I’ll be back shortly.” She spoke as she held up the spare dress as an explanation.

Dressing behind a small grove of trees, Vanyanár slipped into the clean gown and strapped on her newly cleaned swords and cloak. She took her filth-ridden gown back to the stream and scrubbed it until it was completely clean. Tying it to the side of her horse, Vanyanár allowed the wind to dry it at its ease. She washed down her horse, as well, and led it up stream to give it a drink of the cool water.

When all was finished she sat gingerly in the grass awaiting her companions.
(OOC: I hope this gets things started again!)

[Edited on 29/1/2008 by Ezraela]
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: January 29, 2008 06:55
Alagos had long since stopped any attempt at conversing with the others in the group. It wasn't anger, or sorrow that lead him to silence. No. But he felt out of place, and he felt the burdens that each member carried just by looking at them. It was a bitter taste. One which he had no love for.

Alagos kept his head held high, he needed not the others to sense his trepiditon, and anxiety. Alagos felt sorry for them for they were young, and they lived in the moment. Alagos himself had lived through many a dark time. He had come through it all with his head high and a song in his heart. Though many horrible things had befallen him, and though they pained him still, he knew that he had to move on. Lest it all come down around him and he end his own life.

Pain could eat away at the soul, he knew. Pain was horrible, and it dug into every recess of the soul it could find. Alagos shut his eyes breifly, letting his mind muse over these thoughts, and memories of another life. A life he had left behind. He did not regret leaving it, but pain was etched into his heart, and being around the suffering members of his group brought it out in him. Just the same as one smile could bring about another, so to could a tear bring out another.

Alagos was glad when Vamyanar asked if they could stop at the river. He had heard it and found that his heart warmed a little. For the banks of a river was always a place that he had found joy. He nodded and followed the others to the river's banks. He waited for Vanyanar to depart and then removed his boots, and rolled up the legs of his breeches till they were above his knees.

He wandered out into the river's cool waters, letting his troubles wash away with the soothing currents. He sighed and stretched, and had he not been with a group he would have taken to a good swim in the waters, for he loved nothing more then swimming. But as it was it would have been impolite, and he was still weary from the fight. He found a rock near the bank that was not quite covered with water. He sat there taking in the moonlight and the stars. And the soft sounds of crickets and insects that hummed and filled the night with their melody.

Alagos smiled, he could feel the world around him, it was alive and beautiful. And his heart swelled with exposure to such beauty. In a clear voice he started to sing, for he felt that if he didn't his heart should surely burst.

"I loved her once, long ago,
A maiden fair, and wonderful,
Her voice was sweet and lo,
I had fallen, she was beautiful.

She danced beneath a starry curtain,
In the shimmering twilight,
Her hair bright and golden,
Her skin of palest white.

We fell in love, she and I,
Dancing beneath the moon,
Our souls, together, seemed to fly,
But all would cease to be, soon.

For upon her a shadow fell,
And stole her from my side
The dead only now can tell,
The sorrow within the ebbing tide.

Niphredil! Niphredil!
If only you had stayed!
Nimphredil! Niphredil!
Return to me one day."

Alagos fell silent with this song. And those who would have looked closely would have seen tears in his eyes. But he quickly brushed them away, it was on nights like this one that his heart was heaviest. And being around so many other sorrows made it even harder to bear.

Alagos called out to the others on the bank, "When shall we be moving on?" His voice was steady and calm as if nothing had thus touched his heart.
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: January 31, 2008 07:32
The ethereal sound of Alagos’ voice brought sharp pains to Vanyanár’s heart. She had lived hundreds of years on this earth, and the sweet sound of an elvish voice still had the ability to break through her defenses. Thus she refused to sing, lest she hear her own voice and fall, as well.

Memories of her mother’s sky-blue eyes and golden hair danced about her mind as Alagos’ song continued. She wanted him to stop but had not the heart to ask. Her mother smiled brightly and took off running, holding out a hand for Vanyanár to follow. But she couldn’t. Her heart broke at the look in her mother’s eyes – sadness, remorse, pain.

“I’m so sorry, mother.” She cried in her mind. “I tried. I really did. But he was too strong.”

Her mother’s sadness fell away quickly to reveal a gentle peace upon her face.

“Then remember me.” She spoke cryptically.

“I do. I remember you everyday!” Vanyanár tried to reason with her.

“Show them.” Her mother’s smile returned.

“Show who?” Vanyanár’s confusion was masked by the desperate knowledge that her mother was now fading from view. “Show who, mother?”

“Show them.” Her whisper repeated itself over and over.

Alagos’ song had ended. She blinked quickly and almost gasped as a small tear found itself rolling down her face.

"When shall we be moving on?"
She heard Alagos question.

Vanyanár wiped the tear quickly from her face and stood shakily to her feet. Her leg seemed to hurt more now than before she had sat upon the soft grass.

Grimacing, she answered. “If the rest of you are finished, we should leave now. I’d like to get to the mountains before morning. It’ll be a rough journey over them, and I’d rather do as much of it as possible in the daylight.”

She grimaced at the thought of having to traverse those mountains with her sore leg, but spoke nothing of it. This was her journey, and she wasn’t about to cut it short for something as insignificant as pain.

(OOC: If anyone wants to get in a post before we move on - i.e. Din or Rodwen - go right ahead. I just don't want us to get stuck in one place for a long time. )
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: February 08, 2008 09:11
Alagos noted the pain on Vanyanar's face. He pulled his boots on again as he moved onto the bank. He felt calm, at ease, and though the song he had song had turned his heart to tears he felt more alive now then he had in many a year. But he could see that his companion wasn't. She was in pain from her wounds, and from a pain that he knew she would not share.

Alagos approached her, gently putting an hand on her shoulder, he didn't know what to say so he smiled a little. He hoped that it would be enough to comfort her for now. Though she hadn't told him exactly what was troubling her, he knew that it was grave.

Alagos moved off after a moment's pause, going to the mare that Nori had bought him not so long ago. He stroked her nose gently, she seemed in good spirits. Quietly he waited for the others to ready themselves.
Realm Head of Aulë
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: February 23, 2008 08:17
Leyn barely caught the murmurings of her companions. Faintly she discerned Vanyanár’s pleading with an unknown person, perhaps within the confines of her own mind. But who was Leyn to judge? And the fainter singing of the elf…of course it was beautiful, but it rent a hole in her heart, one that would never mend. She was further along downriver than any of the others by choice. Feeling crowded, the maiden sought the solitude in a crook of the river where a small grove of rowans grew. It was quiet here, that was for certain, but only externally was that quietness. Different feelings climaxed and convalesced within Leyn. Why was this happening to her? One couldn’t change the past, she had reasoned as soon as she had come to grips with her family’s deaths. So then why did it haunt her now?

Verelin waded into the river, and the waters conformed around his sleek body. His long ebony mane caught up in the river’s flow as he lowered his muzzle to drink. Happily, nosed the water and tossed his head gleefully, splattering his mistress with droplets. Phantomlike he moved against the current towards Leyn. The silver moonlight illuminated him like a ghost. Beckoning her with a whicker, he halted in the middle of the river.

Leyn eyed her horse amusedly. He had never been this spirited for a long time. But heaviness still pervaded her heart. Not even Verelin could ease her worries, wherever those stemmed from. Without really knowing why, trancelike, she slid down the bank into the water. Its clarity and frigidness startled her. It wasn’t long before she started shivering. Verelin tossed his head again and neighed, half rearing out of the water and coming down with a tremendous splash. She swam out to him, grasped his neck and mane, and hauled herself onto his back. Without any guidance, the big stallion turned and moved with the current towards the others. They arrived just in time to hear Alagos’ question.

“Now is a time as good as any to leave. To the mountains we are headed? I know the area well, but as for passage through them, there is only one or two paths I am familiar with,” she said, braiding her long hair and binding it with a leather cord. Her hazel eyes reflected the moonlight, emphasizing their depth. “But,” she added emphatically, “we will need to rest closer to morning, at least within the foothills. We cannot make the journey through the mountains in less than two, preferably three days. I understand you will want to hurry, but the passes are dangerous, and besides that, we are vulnerable to attack. Things here are not as they seem. Peace is but an illusion. I would count us lucky if we didn’t meet rogue men in these parts. They have a tendency to gravitate towards these mountains of all places. We need to remain alert.”

Turning Verelin around, Leyn urged him up the opposite bank and proceeded to take the lead.
"There is no such thing as a geek, just those who love things the rest of humanity finds weird."
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: February 28, 2008 05:41
Vanyanár heard all that was spoken and nodded.

“I agree. We should stop when we reach the foothills but not for long, for, as you said, there will be many dangers ahead. It will be best to face them when we can see clearly in the sunlight.”

Feeling she had said her peace, Vanyanár bent over and patted her mare gently on the neck. She appreciated the gentleness of this horse, but she could also feel a strong sense of stubbornness and pride within it. It reminded her much of herself.

She waited for the others to ready themselves then fell in line with them as Leyn, once again, took the lead. Vanyanár was glad for a reprieve from being in charge or on her own. Some days she simply wanted someone else to do it, for the weight would be far too much to bear.

As they continued to move on towards the mountains, Vanyanár listened for any movement or noise. All sounds seemed amplified in the darkness of the night, and she was glad for it. At least they could drown out the storm trying to rage itself within her mind. She let herself focus only on the sounds, becoming completely unaware of the white-tipped mountains drawing ever closer.

The sounds cacooned her, and she lost all track of time. Only the sight of the woods around her reminded her of where she was. It seemed like she could stay this way for hours, but that dream was soon short lived. Suddenly, a cold burst of wind tore through her hair, chilling her to the bone. She shivered slightly and wrapped her arms tightly around her chest, hoping that this journey would not be a long one.

[Edited on 10/4/2008 by Ezraela]
Realm Head of Aulë
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: April 08, 2008 05:06
(Here is my post!!)

Dripping wet, Leyn and Verelin led the way through the forest. Droplets of moisture splattered the leaves of different plants as the pair passed by. A sudden draft of wind whipped past her, causing her to shudder uncontrollably. Thrusting around in a saddlebag, she withdrew her thickest cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders. Its weight deadened the wind's chill, and she sighed from within its depths.

The moon shone its pale light on the path ahead of her, illuminating her way. About a half mile or so until the edge of the forest and then another five miles until the foothills began, Leyn surmised, using her best judgment.

"We should make the hills in an hour or so if we move at our current pace," she announced into the night, her voice low but urgent. "I trust not these woods during the day, even less at night. We must remain vigilant well until we reach the hills. Once we reach them, I suggest we rest until morning. If it suits everyone, we will all take sentry duty for a while so all of us get some sleep." She halted her horse and turned in the saddle to Vanyanár, who rode up behind her. "Except for Lady Vanyanár," she added, her tone indicating she would not be swayed. "You must bed down the entire night. Your shadows may haunt you, but even so, your physical self is important also."

Falling silent once again, Leyn urged Verelin forward. She knew her words might not sit well with the female, but rather she rest than fall behind. For all Leyn knew, what with any enemies that were swarming around, falling behind was the last thing the company needed.

(I know this is shorter than my usual ones, but I hope it works.)
"There is no such thing as a geek, just those who love things the rest of humanity finds weird."
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: April 14, 2008 03:26
"We should make the hills in an hour or so if we move at our current pace," she announced into the night, her voice low but urgent. "I trust not these woods during the day, even less at night. We must remain vigilant well until we reach the hills. Once we reach them, I suggest we rest until morning. If it suits everyone, we will all take sentry duty for a while so all of us get some sleep." She halted her horse and turned in the saddle to Vanyanár, who rode up behind her. "Except for Lady Vanyanár," she added, her tone indicating she would not be swayed. "You must bed down the entire night. Your shadows may haunt you, but even so, your physical self is important also."

Listening to Leyn speak, Vanyanár felt herself stiffen in defiance, but, as much as she hated to admit it, Vanyanár knew that Leyn was right. So she bit her tongue and simply nodded; there were more important things to worry about, least of all a little sleep. They continued to travel on in silence, the eeriness of the woods creeping up their backs. Vanyanár closed her eyes for a moment, trying to wipe the darkness of the night from her mind, but, when she had opened them once again, the darkness still remained.
The silence of her companions suddenly bothered her, as well. She wished to hear a song from Alagos or at least a grunt from Nori, but instead there was nothing. She couldn’t understand the longing, but she knew that she had created this silence; and now she would have to live with it.
The woods slowly started to fade as the foothills came closer and closer. The terrain turned rocky and uneven – odd croppings of boulders protruding from the earth in random places. The base of the great mountains loomed up ahead, and a bitter wind blew down from it.
Hopefully our horses will make it through this journey that we have yet to face. Vanyanár thought to herself.
When Leyn had stopped by a large boulder, the rest of the group quickly followed suit. Vanyanár dismounted carefully, her wound screaming in protest. Half walking, half limping, she made it to a small boulder beside the one Leyn had found and sat down slowly. Swallowing her pride, she looked up to group and spoke.
“Would one of you mind checking my wound before I sleep? I don’t think I’d be able to do it without hurting myself.”

(OOC: Sorry it took all weekend. I had a spaghetti dinner at my church, and it was hectic! Oh, I hope you don't mind me stopping Leyn, Din. I just wanted us to keep going.)
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: April 15, 2008 03:31
Alagos rode in silence. His song and the general mood of the group had put him in a grim mood. As if he were walking through fog without hope of finding the sun or the stars. The place they rode through did not help much either. It made him shiver, and his horse balked slightly under him. Only his hand on her neck was able to steady her for any length of time. Alagos was grateful for the fact that the mare was realatively quiet. Every little sound made him jump; and since his ears were particularily keen, every sound was twice that what it should of been.

Alagos staightened on his horse's back, shrugging-or attempting to at least-the chill that was settling in his bones. His other companions must have felt it too, all were silent and grim. They passed through the forest, coming to lands filled with rocks and hills. The chill did not pass from Alagos' body, but he took comfort in the open air. Alagos was far more at home under an open sky then one covered in a leafy canopy.

They stopped to make camp nearby a large boulder. Alagos stretched, then slid off of the mare. He landed gracefully on the rocky ground, patted the mare once on her shoulder and told her to stand. If he did not she would probably wander off and hurt herself on the stones. And who knew what dangers there were lurking in the shadows.

He heard the sugestion of setting a watch and taking turns. "I can take the first watch. I do not need a lot of sleep." Alagos turned when he heard Vanyanar's request. "Here, let me help you." He said, then walked over to her.

He gently removed the bandages on her leg, taking care this time not to hurt her, the wound was healing nicely. It might sting a little but that was temporary. He took out the rest of the bandages he had saved and rubbed some of the poltuce they had made over the scab. He then took the bandages and wrapped the healing leg firmly.

"There, it shouldn't give you to much trouble. You should probably not rest it on the ground though. Here..." He handed her a rolled up sack. He waited until she was comfortable before lifting her leg and placing it on the sack. "Is this good?" He asked. After he had made sure that she was alright he went to take his post.

Alagos sat on the boulder in silence now. He undid the bandage on his arm and rewrapped it with one of the fresh bandages. It was sore but healing well also. He took a deep breath of night air. His keen eyes searching the horizon for anything that could proove a threat to the group.
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: April 23, 2008 05:56
The unnatural silence of the forest unnerved Nori. She was not at all at home in the forest, but even so, there should be sounds- crickets chirping, the hoot and soft rustle of owls, the scurry of mice... but there was nothing save the jingle of their horses' harneses and the soft breathing of her companions. A twig snapping nearby made her jump, but when she turned in her saddle to see, Nori saw nothing.

Under her armour, she shivered uncontrolably, but did her best not to show it. The elf probably noticed, though. For some reason, however, the knowledge of this did not bother her like it would have a few days ago.

It became even more silent on the plains. Nori became more alert, aware of the fact that nothing was moving nearby. It was too strange. She was slightly appeased to notice that the elf seemed aware of the same fact.

As they stopped next to the big boulder, Nori took the horses, and her pony, and fed them. She was impressed by the obedience that the elf's horse showed- it would not budge, and she ended up feeding it where it stood. Stoic, she thought. Like a good dwarf. She smiled despite the strange evening.

"If it suits everyone, we will all take sentry duty for a while so all of us get some sleep.""I can take the first watch. I do not need a lot of sleep."

Nori nodded, then went about helping set up their small camp. After seeing the elf helping Vanyanar, she went over to Leyn, and put a gnarled hand on her arm. "No fire tonight. I dinnae like the silence. Who knows what our little light would attract? Best stay quiet tonight, lass, and get some sleep while we can. I'll take second watch- get your sleep."

((OOC: sorry about the time between post. should begin to post more regularly soon!))


Laying on her pallet, the eerieness of the night affected her more and more, till she could not stand inactivity- she had to move, to fight, to do something! She got up quietly and apporached the elf.

"What do you make of this, elf? I cannae stand the silence much longer! It sends a chill up my spine- something is terribly wrong..."
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: April 24, 2008 03:11
Alagos' keen eyes scanned the lands about him. In the deep gloom he had to wonder if there was anything there, or...if anything was looking right at him. He could not say. This place made his skin crawl, and a chill-not caused by the weather-had seeped into his bones and now held his heart in its grasp. Alagos mentally shook himself, humming quietly to ease his mind. But even he could not keep up the tune. He fell silent once more as the feeling of being watched pressed around him, like a snake coiled about its prey. He was grateful when Nori's voice broke the silence.

"What do you make of this, elf? I cannae stand the silence much longer! It sends a chill up my spine- something is terribly wrong..."

Alagos nodded, "Yes, I understand what you feel. I think that we are being watched, though I have not been able to spy our observer. Whatever it is it is clever, and does not wish to be seen." He forced a small smile, "I think that we shall be alright, but we must not linger here much longer then we have to. If we do I fear the consequenses will be great."

Alagos did not say much after that, his gaze still scaned out over the land, hoping that he'd find out where the gaze was coming from. Nothing came out. Soon his shift was over, he looked at Nori and firmly clasped her shoulder as he passed by her to his bedroll.

"Good luck and good night." He said. Then fell into a light sleep that elves were known for. His eyes open, seeing worlds and dreams.

Realm Head of Aulë
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: April 25, 2008 08:01
(I hope no one minds me edging this towards morning a bit. and stopping Leyn was fine, Ez.)

"No fire tonight. I dinnae like the silence. Who knows what our little light would attract? Best stay quiet tonight, lass, and get some sleep while we can. I'll take second watch- get your sleep."

Fighting weariness, Leyn acceded to the dwarf's common sense. The exhausting ride had taken its toll on the woman. "I trust that you will wake me when 'tis three hours past midnight, my friend," she inquired of Nori. The dwarf nodded her head in assent. Leyn took Verelin's reins and led him over to the elven horse. "Remain here, boy," she whispered in his ear, stroking his neck. "'Twould do you good to be with your own kindred." The spirited stallion tossed his head and pawed the ground restlessly, clearly anxious. Touching his muzzle, Leyn soothed the agitated horse.

Going over to the outcropping of rocks where they chose to rest, Leyn curled in the nook of a large boulder and tried to sleep. But the silence that pervaded the night atmosphere prevented sleep. Tossing and turning in her crevice, Leyn could not get comfortable. While the nook kept out the bitter wind, other night sounds were also found lacking: no chirping of crickets, no croaking of frogs, no scurryings of nocturnal animals. Little rest was forthcoming for the woman, and when Nori touched her shoulder some four hours later, she was hardly jolted awake.

With no fire, only the moon provided light for Leyn to see by. The horses were restless, but what caused them to be so remained a mystery. Apprehension and foreboding chilled her blood.

An arrow flew past her head and landed amidst the rocks. Alarmed, but not surprised, Leyn slipped from her vantage point and went to wake her comrades. The horses whickered and pranced in place. Rustling of grass not a couple hundred yards to the north told the companions that they were not alone.
"There is no such thing as a geek, just those who love things the rest of humanity finds weird."
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: April 28, 2008 05:48
Longing for rest, even in the eerie silence of the night, Vanyanár slowly dozed off into a quiet sleep. For a while her sleep was nearly too good to be true, for no dream had yet disturbed it; but this would sadly not last for long.

A few hours into her sleep, a strange and dark dream overcame her and took control of her mind. All of her companions surrounded her, and all were pointing toward the sky. A dark being was flying right for them, yet no one moved, and neither could she. A scream begged to leave her throat, yet it wouldn’t – everything seemed to be completely frozen. The creature came within inches of her head, clawing and grasping for her throat, but it missed entirely and screech a loud protest in retaliation.

A loud sigh made its way past Vanyanár’s lips, and the fear that had gripped her heart quickly melted away. She picked up her foot to walk, and, suddenly, she was on the beach of a very calm lake – her foot dangling over the water. Startled, she nearly fell head first into the clear liquid, but someone grasped her arm and pulled her back onto shore. She landed in the sand with a thud, and, for a moment, Vanyanár was sure that she could hear a soft and gentle song being sung in the distance. But the thought vanished quickly as a deep and powerful voice pierced through the confusion of her mind.

“Vanyanár,” it spoke. “Vanyanár. Do you remember?”

She looked up slowly, fearful of what she might see. Before her stood a man, familiar yet unknown. His eyes screamed of a deep and dark pain that had lasted for centuries, yet his face was that of a man no older than thirty. His hair was dark and his eyes the same. A small scar ran between his right eyebrow, and she could see an even deeper one starting at his collarbone, hidden behind his tunic. His eyes were what caught at her the most, however, for within them was a pain that only she could understand. She knew this man, but she swore that she had never laid eyes on him before.

“Who are you?” she asked, reaching up to touch his face.

But he withdrew quickly, and the calmness that had covered his features gave way to a terrible wrath.

“He will take you if you find him. He will take you body and soul. Turn back. Now!”

Her brow furrowed in confusion. She went to ask another question when something jostled her.

She awoke to see Leyn standing above her. Something was wrong.

(OOC: Sorry it was such a long time between posts for me, too. I hope to stay as caught up as possible in these next few weeks)
Realm Head of Aulë
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: May 11, 2008 12:28
Trying to focus on Vanyanár's face, the woman's eyes in a distant place to be sure, Leyn put a finger to her lips and and gestured over her shoulder. "We are not alone," she said softly, her words barely a breath out of her mouth. "Stay down, my friend, and let us handle them, whoever they may be." Too harried to wait for Vanyanár's response, Leyn silently wove among the other rocks and woke the others with a soft word. The horses were pacing to and fro anxiously, their muffled whinnies frightened.

Suddenly, more arrows rained in among the rocks, forcing the companions to find shelter. The horses bolted, taking off into the night. Fighting the urge to call her horse back, the woman let out a low piercing whistle instead, similar to the sound of a nightbird. Verelin heard the noise and turned in his headlong rush. But the impending enemies overpowered any love he had for his mistress. Tossing his head, Verelin and the others thundered off.

Cursing under her breath, Leyn debated between revealing herself to the enemies (for she was certain that was what they were) or making a stand in time to allow the others to carry Vanyanár to safety. Gesturing to Alagos, she muttered, "You are the nimblest among us. Take the maid and Nori and follow the horses. The best thing for us is to leave here before they, whoever they are, overwhelm us. We can only be surrounded, and 'twould be the worst for us. I will remain behind and hold them off for but a moment. Head off into the hills, seek a cave, and I will find you come morning." Instinctively feeling that the dwarf and elf would dissent, she left, not wanting a confrontation.

The rustling was getting closer, and to head off any danger to her companions, Leyn crept onto the plain and climbed a nearby tree. Notching an arrow to her bow, she drew it tautly, and let it fly just in front of the group. She estimated by the noise that there were about a score of figures below her, but Leyn could not make out any features.

"Ai, by th'blood, I cannae see a thin' in front o' us," a gruff voice broke out into the oppressive silence. Leyn cocked an ear to hear more. Obviously, they must not have noticed the arrow, or they are choosing to ignore it, she thought amusedly, a rare smile crossing her face.

"Ach, ye coul' ne'er see anythin' if'n it bit ye in the nose," another voice replied harshly, this one a scratchy female.

"Blimey, need ye be soo 'arsh, marm?" the first voice asked.

"For the likes o' ye, mebbe."

Leyn repressed a laugh. Certainly these were not enemies; they sounded no more harmless than an irritating fly. But leaving nothing to chances, she notched another arrow to her bow and barked out loudly, "Who are you, and what is your business in these lands?"

(Sorry it is rough, but it should give us somewhere to go!)
"There is no such thing as a geek, just those who love things the rest of humanity finds weird."
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: May 13, 2008 07:34
Nori was woken by a hand on her shoulder- the elf signaling her to be quiet. Apparently they were in some kind of danger- again. She reached for her axe, and got the horses quickly. The elf and Vanyanar were already awake and ready to go, but Leyn was nowhere to be seen. Nori finally spotted her by some rocks, an arrow nocked to her bow. She started to go that way, but stopped at the elf's signal.

Completely confused, and frustrated at missing a fight, Nori mounted the pony and followed the elf and Vanyanar, leaving Leyn behind. Grumbling all the way, she kept looking back to find where Leyn was, and if she was coming. The situation was not to her liking. Not one bit.


They had found a cave, about a league away, and set up camp again, for the second time that night. Once Vanyanar was settled, Nori took the elf aside.

"What were ye thinkin', elf? Leavin' the lass to fend for herself like that? Who knows what dangers she's facin' right now, and ye left her!" She stormed off, only to come back to him again. "At least ye might have let me stay with her. But instead, ye have me come with ye and Vanyanar to hide in a cave like a babe! Count on an elf to think a dwarf is completely helpless in a pinch- and I thought ye might not be like all yer kin." She stomped off again, this time ignoring the calls that followed her.
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: June 17, 2008 08:17
Vanyanár yearned so much to go and help Leyn, but in her head she knew that she would only get in the way. She was still very weak, and the dream had left her in a sort of fog. She watched almost carelessly as Nori stormed off to give aid to their companion.

Looking over to Alagos, she noticed his worried expression. He, too, wanted to fight, but it was because of her that he stayed.

“You may go and help if you want to, Alagos. You needn’t worry about me. I’m only hurt not dying.” Her face remained solemn as she waited for Alagos’ answer.


In the darkened land of the Morgul Vale, an evil force slowly began to gather power and strength. The location of the ring of power had just come to the knowledge of the Dark Lord, Sauron, in the tower of Barad-dur near Mount Doom, and now his minions were preparing to unleash their hatred upon the unknowing souls of the Shire.

Within the tower of Minas Morgul, the Witch King of Angmar prepared for the attack. Beside him stood a man, tall and strong, carrying a long sword at his hip and a stern look on his face. His once soft and loving eyes now reflected the dull gray of a life filled with sorrow, torment, and hatred.

“What is thy bidding, my master?” His deep, rolling voice echoed in the cold, metal room.

The powerful Nazgul hissed out his commands. “Take a small force and make your way to the tower of Isengard. There you will receive orders from the white wizard, who is preparing an assault on the land of Rohan.”

“Yes, my master.” The man nodded solemnly.

The man carefully placed a helmet on the nazgul’s head and stepped back slowly. He bowed, then straightened himself quickly, turned around, and walked emotionless out of the room.
Realm Head of Aulë
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: July 09, 2008 11:59
The oncoming footsteps halted at the sound of Leyn's voice. Instead of explaining their presence, the first voice responded with another question, "What business is't o' yers if we travel through here? No one owns this land. And I may turn the question aboot and ask ye the same, lass."

"And I shall reply the same. What business of yours is it if I pass through here?" Leyn replied calmly, not leaving anything to chance. "But to stave off any further arguments, my name is Llweryn of Edoras. What are you called?" She dropped out of the tree, still armed, in front of the group. Peering hard into the darkness, she could make out about fifteen figures with no discernible features. The two speakers were roughly the same height, about three inches taller than Leyn. She couldn't see their weaponry and cursed silently that she revealed herself so quickly.

"I'm Belfren, and this is my goodwife Tilly. We hail from the north," the man said, lessening his northern burr.

"Aye, we mean ye no harm, lass. We're only passin' through this land on'r way to Gondor," Tilly added, holding up a lantern to look closely at Leyn. In the flickering light of the lamp, Leyn could see that both were handsome for Men, with dark hair, pleasant features, and hazel eyes.

"But why are all of you out here? Surely such a journey of no importance would not warrant a large number, would it?" Leyn inquired, her mind working. She edged backwards away from the group, calculating her chances of escape if worse came to worse.

Belfren bit his lip, refraining from speech. He didn't trust this woman, whoever and wherever she was from. She could be a spy for all he knew. Tilly, however, took the silence to continue their story. "Our homes were destroyed by murderin' orcs, and we need a new place to live. I've relatives in Gondor, and we pray they'll help us."

The irritation and curiosity Leyn had felt previously vanished. Pity and empathy took their place. "I apologize for my abruptness, and I hope you may find a new home. My companions and I recently overtook a scouting party of goblins and Wargs not too long ago. 'Tis a pity their like cannot be forever wiped from the earth."

Belfren and Tilly nodded in agreement, then suddenly let out an expletive as Alagos came into view. "By th'blood! 'Tis an elvenfolk!"

Leyn saw the elf out of the corner of her eye but did not fully turn her back on the group. There was no fully trusting strangers. Of that much was she certain.

"There is no such thing as a geek, just those who love things the rest of humanity finds weird."
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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: September 03, 2008 07:29
Alagos held no love for this place. Long ere since he had fallen alseep did dark dreams and harsh whispers come to his mind, making him as restless as the horses. Alagos had woken at the sounds of approaching footsteps, though he laid low to the ground, and kept still, his heart was beating like drums in the mountain passes. His mind and soul screamed danger! The very land seemed to be crying out to him, yelling at him, telling him to flee. Alagos tried to ignore their cries, but it was making him panic, and he saw now that even the horses were in such a state. When they bolted he almost took off with them, almost. But then he saw his companions, his friends, and he knew that he must not, he planted his feet into the dry earth and held firm, though his eyes held a wild quality about them, as if he were not an elf, but a wild animal caught in a trap. Everything seemed wrong!

He took the advice given, taking Vanyanar and Nori to a place near at hand, he was restless, worried, and his whole form reflected as much. His eyes darting all around him, and his body tense like a snake ready to strike. He helped Vanyanar settle into the new camp then turned when he heard Nori come up beside him, he followed her, but such was his state of mind that he could not even think as to what she wanted.

"What were ye thinkin', elf? Leavin' the lass to fend for herself like that? Who knows what dangers she's facin' right now, and ye left her!" She stormed off, only to come back to him again. "At least ye might have let me stay with her. But instead, ye have me come with ye and Vanyanar to hide in a cave like a babe! Count on an elf to think a dwarf is completely helpless in a pinch- and I thought ye might not be like all yer kin."

Alagos felt as if struck, "Nori!" He called out, "Nori wait!" But he relized that his calls were met on deaf ears. He wanted to run after her, to grab his sword and go back with her, now instead of fear he felt rage, and a need to protect those that he had allied himself with. Vanyanar could not fight back, and Nori was right, was he such a coward? Alagos did not want the answer.

“You may go and help if you want to, Alagos. You needn’t worry about me. I’m only hurt not dying.”

Alagos looked to Vanyanar shocked out of his thoughts, but no, he was resolute. "No, my friend, I will stay here with you. If they come for you, you wont be able to fight. But everything is wrong, I can feel it. I do not like this, and I would have us flee if we could. But I will stand by your side Vanyanar, until this is all over." He said leaving no room for argument.

With that said he now waited but to his ears were reached the sounds of voice near, Alagos paused then said, "I will not be far." He stepped forward outside of their place and made his way to where Leyn was and where the voices had come from. He saw the men in the darkness, and he saw the two who had introduced themselves.

"By th'blood! 'Tis an elvenfolk!"

Alagos met her gaze and nodded solemly, "Well met." he said calmly, but his gaze scanned the men around them, judging how good they were, seeing if there was any chance for a quick end to them if it came to a fight. His hand rested on his sword, as if it were a habit he had aquired long ago. "Is there something you require? Or shall we be allowed to go on our way in peace?" He shifted his grip on the hilt of the weapon, ready to draw it at the slightest provocation.

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Post RE: Daughter of Darkness (Please post in OOC before posting in here)
on: March 02, 2009 06:47
(OOC: All righty I'll be sending all of you PM's if you haven't gotten one already, and I'll be posting in the OOC, as well. I hope this goes well in the coming future! )

Vanyanár strained her body to hear what was being spoken by those outside the cavern; but the pain in her leg only increased with movement, and she was forced to remain still. Finally, she gave a irritated sigh of defeat and leaned back against the rock wall behind her. She tried to remember her dream as best as she could, but the main points of it were already beginning to elude her. She could remember the man’s shape and size, the scar, the color of his hair, and even his eyes, but the rest of him - especially who he was - had become a complete mystery to her confused state of mind.

She took a small breath and began to think about the days that had past since leaving Halbarad’s small inn. It was hard to believe it had been little more than a week, and already her defenses were crumbling. No one person had ever even come close knowing the true Vanyanár, yet these three companions traveling with her had already seen some of her worst and darkest sides.

The voices outside the cavern began to grow louder and come more quickly, increasing with intensity as time went swiftly on. She could hear aggravation in their tones, and slowly the words became somewhat comprehensible. Someone was obviously upset about something.


‘Don’t you… I’ve never”

“That’s it!”

These were the only words she could make out when, suddenly, the unmistakable sound of ringing metal echoed through her sharp ears. A fight was beginning, and there was nothing she could do about it but utter, “Oh, great. Here we go again.”
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