By Rulea
Parody of "At Last!" by B.B King, Celine Dion

Gollum has just gotten the One Ring and he can’t contain his joy, so he breaks out in song, making Sam and Frodo cover their ears:

At last
My Precious has come!
My searching days are over
And life is perfect as pie!

At last,
No more sleepless nights,
No more love poems
For my Precious is found at last!

Once it was stolen by hobbits,
It led me on a wild goose chase
From the Misty mountains to Mordor
Where I was tickled to death by the dark Lord
Till he made me confess that Baggins was the thief
And in the Shire was the Ring.

Than I was released and came upon two hobbits that had it,
And deceived them by leading them to Shelob
Who was supposed to devour them.

But my plan was thwarted and I was thrown off a cliff;
You hobbits thought you were rid of me, but you were wrong!
So here we are in Mount Doom
And this pimple is ready to pop,
So if you don’t mind me,
I’ll take the Ring and run.

For now it is mine,
All mine and no
Dark Lord can have it
For it came to me,
As a gift
And I’ll keep it forever
because its mine
At Last!
At Last!
At Last!

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