Description: The sweet flavor of pumpkin is excellent in soups, blending well with other savoury ingredients to make a warm and comforting dish.

Submitted by: Lady~Culin on 2003-08-27 15:44:31

Serves: 5

Prep Time: About 45 minutes

Difficulty: Intermediate

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15 ml/ 1 tbsp. sunflower oil
25 g/1 oz. / 2 tbsp butter
1 large onion, sliced
675g/ 1 ½ lb. pumpkin, cut into large chunks.
450g/ 1 lb. potatoes, scrubbed and sliced
600 ml/ 1 pint/ 2 ½ cups of vegetable stock
Good pinch freshly grated nutmeg
5 ml/ 1 tsp. chopped fresh tarragon
600ml/ 1 pint/ 2 ½ cups milk
5-10 ml/ 1-2 tsp. lemon juice
Salt and ground black pepper


Heat oil and butter in heavy pan. Add onion and cook 4-5 minutes over low heat until soft but not browned, stirring frequently.

Add pumpkin and sliced potatoes; stir well. Cover and cook about ten minutes until vegetables are almost tender, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking.

Stir in vegetable stock, grated nutmeg and tarragon and season to taste with salt and pepper. Bring to the boil and lower heat.

Simmer about 10 minutes, until vegetables are completely tender.

Leave soup to cool slightly, then pour into blender or food processor and process until smooth.

Pour into clean pan, add milk, and heat gently. Add lemon juice to taste and extra seasoning, if necessary. Serve piping hot.

For added flavour, try roasting the pumpkin chunks before adding to soup.