Description: Yummy no-bake cookies--also wonderful right out of the freezer!

Submitted by: ShieldMaiden777 on 2003-12-20 19:34:11

Serves: 5-7

Prep Time: 10 minutes prep

Difficulty: Easy

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1 1/2 c. sugar
1/2 c. milk
1/3 c. peanuts, chopped
6 tbsp. butter
2 tsp. vanilla extract
4 tbsp. cocoa
1/2 c. peanut butter
2 1/2 c. oatmeal


Heat sugar, milk, cocoa and butter over medium heat for about 2 minutes; start counting time when the mixture has reached a full rolling boil.

Remove from heat. Add remaining ingredients. Blend mixture well.

Drop by tablespoonsful onto waxed paper, and let cool thoroughly.

Makes about 20-25.