Race: Elf
Family: Father-Maglor. Mother- Anarimma. Older Brother-Angrond
Animals: A silver grey horse she calls Vilya
Weapons: bow and arrows

Appearance: waist length dark brown hair- slightly wavy. Grey eyes. Normally wearing the Lothlorien grey or a light green.


Ainariel is the daughter of Maglor- Feanor’s son. As a child growing up in Lorien, she was often lonely. Since she was of an accursed line, the other children shunned her and she was left alone. This continued even as she grew up, everyone was afraid of the curse that hung about Feanor’s line. Ainariel never really had a true friend. When she grew older, she finally left Lorien, hoping that she could find a place where she could lead a normal life.

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