Race: Human, Pirate
Height: 5' 7
Age: 34
Family: none, alive that is...
Weapons: Sword, flintlock pistol, dagger

Personality: He keeps to himself most of the time. But you don't want to get on his bad side, what do you think happened to his family? He won't let anyone push him around except his captain.

Appearance: He wore baggy brown breeches with tall black leather boots and a sash tied about his waist and a belt hung loosely around his waist, a gun and sword strapped to that. His once white shirt was covered in dirt and hung a little loosely on him under a frayed frock coat. His hands had a few silvery rings on them and there was a tattoo of a fierce sea serpent above his left wrist. Upon his shoulder length greasy black hair he wore a hat typical of a pirate. His eyes are a dark blue. His skin is slightly tanned from the years of sailing.


After the ‘sudden death’ of his parents at the healthy age of 16, he went off and became involved with what you would call the ‘wrong sort’. He became a pirate and eventually became the first mate of the ship the Fair Dagger where he’s remained ever since.

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