Race: Humanoid
Height: 5' 2"
Age: 18
Family: will never be seen or mentioned; accept it and move on
Animals: none
Weapons: A green rubber band, a "PEZ" dispenser, and any object within convenient reach

Personality: Melodramatic, energetic, happy-go-lucky, and easily distracted

Appearance: Fuzzy purple hair; Green eyes; Noodle-like musculature; Oblique tooth; Wears large, untied combat boots, mismatched socks, knee-length, plum-colored pants, a yellow t-shirt and a black denim jacket with a large political button reading "I Brake for Hamsters"


Entirely irrelevent, but since you asked: Raised by Ukranian pig-farmers who taught her reading, writing, lacrosse, and the value of a refrigerator magnet. Has been working as a mail-carrier and sometime defense lawyer.

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