Gender: 2
Race: human, barbarian
Height: 6'1
Age: 19
Family: twin sister:Aldaren who was taken by the elves (his mom and dad are dead)
Animals: horse, Eshen
Weapons: he had two swords and a scimitar

Personality: fiery temper, easy to anger, when he is loyal he is pretty loyal, loves sister very much, hates elves (cause of taking sister) hates dwarves (an insane dwarf killed his mom), and doesn't really care about the other people.

Appearance: red hair, strongly built with his big (wicked) sword on his back in plain view, and a small battle axe tucked behind his bear fur cloack. His scimitar was also visible on the oposite side of his axe. (well just look at the picture, thats him)


When he was seven his sister was caught on elven grounds, she was not allowed there and was taken away from Borgamar and his family. He is searching even now for her.

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