Race: Human
Height: 5'10
Age: 128
Family: No one special.
Animals: Harooj his black panther companion
Weapons: Slightly green tinted dagger that is coated in the excretions of a poison arrow frog

Personality: Zhar is a fun loving jolly fellow when he feels comfortable but when he is alert he is a straight forward down to buisiness kinda guy.

Appearance: Zhar is tall for one of his people and has browned skin(Think native american) his eyes are the color of two fresh cut and polished emeralds and all he wears is a loincloth and an half breast plate made of oiliphant bone to cover his heart.


Zhar was born in Ahrun or the east lands to the chief of his villiage, as a child he was taught the magic of transformation of self by the villiage shaman who was an expert at such things. During Saurons recrutement of men in his land he crept out and lived in forest on the edge of the sea of Rhun. His power has given him prolonged life from the normal human span.

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