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To read about a 10 foot tall sand castle, a detailed replica of Minas Tirith, that took two years to build and was recently destroyed by a storm click here.

Click here to hear Andy Serkis explain why ‘The Hobbit; An Unexpected Journey’ is a family movie.

Peter Jackson has stated that he’d like to direct an episode of Doctor Who. Click here to read about the unusual payment request he suggests, in lieu of cash, for the job.

Click here for a brief reminder about Tolkien Reading Day.

To read about 10 things you might not know about ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’ you can click here.

Ireland’s Burren Tolkien Society is convinced that Tolkien’s many visits to The Burren may have influenced his descriptions of The Misty mountains. For details about their upcoming convention click here.

You can click here for a ‘Yahoo Movies’ interview with Martin Freeman.

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