Baste – To brush on or spoon a liquid over food to keep it moist during roasting or cooking

Blanch – To dip first in boiling water, then in cold water, so that food cooks partially; or to remove its skin or peel

Blend – To combine ingredients of varying textures by mixing gently

Braise – To brown in fat, then add a small amount of liquid, cover, and cook slowly on top of stove or in oven

Bread – To coat with flour or bread crumbs before frying

Broil – To cook over or under direct heat

Cube – To cut into small, square pieces

Cut in – To blend ingredients such as flour and shortening by using 2 knives or a pastry blender

Dredge – To coat food with flour or breadcrumbs

Fillet – To remove bones from eat or fish

Fold – To combine ingredients gently with a folding (spooning over) motion

Fry – To cook in fat in a shallow pan

Julienne – To cut into long, thin strips

Knead – To work dough by repeatedly pushing with the heel of the hand and folding over until smooth

Marinate – To soak food in a liquid to add flavor or tenderize it

Mince – To cut into very fine pieces

Parboil – To boil in water until partially cooked

Pare – To peel or remove the skin

Poach – To cook in hot liquid just below the boiling point

Puree – To put food through a sieve to make a paste or thick liquid from it

Roux – A mixture of fat and flour, sauteed together, then added to a liquid as a thickener

Saute – To fry in a small amount of fat or liquid

Scald – To heat in a liquid until hot, but not boiling

Score – To make shallow cuts in a food’s surface

Skim – To remove the fat that rises to the surface of a soup, stew, or gravy by using a spoon or bulb baster

Steam – To cook by placing food in a covered, sieve-like container over boiling water

Steep – To let stand in hot liquid just below boiling temperature

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