Crebain were large, black crows that lived in Fangorn Forest and Dunland. The birds made a harsh croaking noise.

During the War of the Ring, Saruman used crebain as spies to gather information on the progress of the Ring-bearer. As the Fellowship passed through Hollin in January TA 3019, Sam Gamgee and Aragorn spotted a large flock of crebain that appeared to be searching for something. Sam and Aragorn hid as the crebain passed overhead and flew northwest. The Fellowship remained in hiding for the rest of the day without a campfire, and flocks of crebain flew by several times. The birds may have brought news of the Fellowship's journey to Saruman, who used the information that he gathered from his various spies to send a company of Uruk-hai to ambush the Fellowship at Amon Hen.

Etymology: The singular of crebain is craban. The Sindarin word for "crow" is carach or corch and the Quenya word is karko or korko. The word craban may be an adaptation of these words into the languages of the Men of Dunland.

**Note : Additional information provided by passionelf **
Encyclopedia entry originally written by PotbellyHairyfoot