At the shores of Middle Earth, just south of Lond Daer, but not quite at where the River Isen flowed into Belegaer, or as it is known in Common Tongue as the Great Sea, there was a small settlement of Elves. So small that the sea-side village they lived in had one hall, and several cottages around it.

In the Hall lived their Liege-Lord, an Elf who was known to have walked many, many years on the earth they loved, he was older – it is said – then Lord Elrond in his hidden home in Imladris.

Despite living by the sea, they were farmers; their water came from a canal they built from the River Isen.

They were not known to trade with other cities, in fact none but the most cunning of Elves and Men knew that the village existed.

The Wizard, Mithrandir, knew them well, and visited often, and was always seen in the hall of the Elf-Lord Tirithon.

This small village never bothered itself with the fate of the big world around it, it never went to war, and they never had the need to bear arms save for hunting, and even when they did that it was scarce…

But little did they know that they would be forced to care, for they too were a part of the fabric of time that weaved through the fate of Middle Earth.

The small town of Vena would soon learn that to sit by and do nothing would no longer work – for they would all be soon affected by the darkness that was to spread. For from the wrath of Mordor there was no escape.

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