Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine *sigh*. If I was making any profit by using them I would be on a Caribbean island somewhere by now, preferably with Captain Jack and Co, not sitting in rainy England writing fanfic. Duh!

Mysterious Narrator Sharkey: Welcome, my little fanfic lovers, to this week’s ‘Postcards from Middle Earth’. In this episode, we bring you exclusive footage from one of the weekly BA (Baddies Anonymous) meetings in Mordor! Roll the tape, boys!

(A mob of random Orcs, Easterlings, Saruman, Wormtongue, Gollum, Denethor and some others are milling around in a small dingy conference room in Barad-Dur. The Witch-King climbs up to a podium in one corner of the room, attempting to hush the group of baddies)

The Witch-King: Oi! Quiet everybody! Don’t make me fetch Shelob!

(Eventually there is silence. The Witch-King proceeds)

The Witch-King: Welcome to the Baddies Anonymous Course, everyone. Over the next few weeks we will be attempting to convert you all to the side of good and shininess. Now, before anything else, let us say the pledge. Repeat after me: I am a nice Orc, not a mindle..

Wormtongue: What if we aren’t an Orc?

The Witch-King: *Sigh* Fine. I am a nice Orc, or Steward, Easterling, Wizard, Evil Henchman, or….. whatever Gollum is.

Gollum: We iss a hobbit, my love.

The Witch-King: Eww. And I thought I was deformed. Anyway! Pledge! I am a nice Orc, or whatever, not a mindless killing machine. If I am to change this ima…. (Denethor raises a hand) Oh sweet Sauron, what now?

Denethor: I don’t think I’ve ever killed anyone.

Saruman: What about all those guys you sent to Osgiliath?!

Denethor: I didn’t actually kill those people myself, though, did I?

Saruman: Well, I’ve never killed anyone then, if it works like that!

The Witch-King: You’ve all killed people! That’s why you’re here! That’s why I’m here, for Valar’s sake!

Denethor: Yeah, but I’ve never actually got a sword and ran a guy through, have I?

The Witch-King: Look, just say the pledge. Please? Ok. I am a nice Orc, or whatever, not a mindless killing machine, even if I’ve never actually killed anyone personally. If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. The Free People of Middle Earth are friends, not food!

Gollum: Except nassty hobbitses, precious. They think they’re really special, they do, my love. Ooh, look at me, I’m carrying the precious to Mount Doom, aren’t I something?!

Denethor: Speaking of food, I only like chicken.

The Witch-King: Will you all just say the freaking pledge!!! I don’t care if one little thing doesn’t apply to you personally! It’s the principle of the matter!!

The Witch-King: And now you’ve upset me. Are you all happy now? Eh? Satisfied?

(Everyone looks at their feet ashamedly)

Denethor (whispers to Saruman): It’s just because a girl kicked his ass. Macho thing, he needs to assert his authority.

The Witch-King (pretending he can’t hear them): Right. Now, why don’t you begin, Gollum? Just start with your name.

Gollum (coming up to the podium): Hello, our name is Gollum. No wait, Sméagol! No, Gollum! Sméagol! Gollum!

Everyone: Hello, Gollum-No-Wait-Sméagol.

Gollum: It’s been 600 years since our last hobbit, we swears, we swears on the precious, or may we fall into a pit of molten lava and die!

The Witch-King: Well done, Gollum. Now, who’s next? Wormtongue?

Wormtongue: Um, hello. My name is Grìma, not Wormtongue. That’s just a cruel nickname.

Everyone: Hello, Wormtongue.

Wormtongue: Grrr. Anyway, I don’t think I’ve ever killed anyone personally.

Denethor: See! I told you.

Saruman: What are you talking about? You killed Lotho Sackville-Baggins and ate him.

Everyone: EWWW!

Wormtongue: Ha! I don’t think so! That’s only in the book! The Scouring of the Shire is not in the movie, so I don’t think that really counts. So, I’ve never actually killed anyone, really.

The Witch-King: Whatever. Wash your hair, weirdo! Who wants to go next? Denethor? Saruman?

Sam: Ooh! Pick me! Me!

The Witch-King: Yes, you, the fat hobbit at the front.

Sam: I’m big boned! Hello, I’m Samwise Gamgee.

Everyone: Hello Sam.

Sam: I’ve needed to say this for so long; I am in love with Mr Frodo.

Everyone: ………

(Legolas bursts through the door, closely followed by Aragorn and Boromir)

Legolas: Has anyone seen a fat hobbit? He’s supposed to be with us in the GCA meeting.

Barbossa: You look familiar. Have I crossed you before?

The Witch-King (Ignoring Barbossa): Ah, that explains it. Sam, this is the BA, Baddies Anonymous. You want the Gay Characters Anonymous.

Sam: Sorry, Mr Angmar.

Denethor: Hey! What are you doing in the GCA, sonny boy?

Boromir: Oh, grow up, Dad. Haven’t you seen my death scene in the Fellowship?

Denethor: That was a brotherly kiss! Brotherly! (He runs out of the room with his hands over his ears, singing loudly, Boromir running after him)

The Witch-King: Well, I think that concludes this weeks meeting. Who wants to come back to Minas Morgul for a Star Wars Marathon?

Everyone: ME!!

(They all run from the room, humming John Williams)

Mysterious Narrator Sharkey: So, the elusive bad guys once more disappear into the mists of Mordor. Tune in next week, for an exclusive interview with Elrond, as he tells us the story of ‘My three in a tree romp with Thranduil and Celeborn!’ Don’t miss it! Remember, keep watching the skies! You might see a Nazgûl!

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