Chapter One: A Father’s Grave

Lariena stood before the pyre in which her father was laid upon just moments ago. Her father, King Aragorn Elessar II of the House of Telcontar and the Reunified Lands, died the night before the last. The physicians of Minas Tirith said that it was from old age. Lariena looked upon her father whose beard was now grey and met with his mustache. Her mother, who stood next to her, was weeping from the inside, and showed a face of weariness on the outside.

“You may all give your last respects to this much-loved king,” the undertaker said, bowing his head, and then walking away. The Steward of Gondor, Fararmir, and his wife, Lady Eowyn, the Lady of Ithilien, walked toward the pyre and paid their last respects, as did King Eomer and his wife Queen Lothiriel. But, the Royal Family stayed.

On the other side of Lariena stood her older brother by seven years, twenty-six year old Eldarion Telcontar. He wore his Gondorian armor and upon his brow sat a newly-made crown, and in the middle of it sat the stone of Elessar.

Lariena’s raven gown began to ruffle in the wind that formed from the coming storm that settled around the mountain peaks of Anarion. Eldarion began to walk back towards the company of guards with his mother, but Lariena did not follow. A light sprinkle of rain began to fall, then gradually moved into a heavy pour. The guards had already set the pyre on fire, the corpse of the King beginning to turn to ashes.

Lariena stood in the rain, tears falling from her soft, forest green eyes. She looked up at the sky, her golden-blonde hair blowing in the wind.

“Why?” she whispered. “Why?” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Lariena fell to her knees and began to hit the ground. She felt unconsiousness come upon her, then two strong arms began to wrap around her and a warm cloak was wrapped around her. She remembered no more.

A/N: Sorry if this chapter was a bit short, but remember, Read and Review! BTW, this is a Legolas/OC pairing, Post/RotK!

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