“But mother, I don’t want to go to the feast tonight,” Elowyn complained.

Eowyn looked at her pretty daughter and shook her head.

“No, you’re going, why don’t you want to go?”


“Because why?”

“Just because.”

“Why don’t you want to go Ellen?”

“Because Elboron told Ahern I was sweet on him.”

“Oh,” Eowyn said wisely.

“What am I supposed to do?” Ellen sighed and plopped down on her bed. Eowyn began to brush her daughter’s raven hair.

“Nothing at all.”

“What? Why not?”

“Because I went through the exact same thing when I was your age.”


“Yes, I’ll tell you about it. I had been sitting peacefully on a large stone near the training grounds watching the men practice archery and sword play when a yank on my braid caught me off balance and sent me tumbling to the ground.

“‘Curse you Eomer!’ I cried, ‘What’s the idea?’ He laughed and caught my wrist as I tried to slap him.

“‘Oh nothing, just wondering who my little sister is pining after.’

“‘I’m not pining after anyone!’

“‘Then why do you come down here all the time?’

“‘I’m going to be a sheildmaiden some day and I might as well get used to it.’

“‘Sure, you’re going to be a shieldmaiden and I’m going to turn into an elf! I know why you come; you just want to see Adain.’

“‘No I don’t!’ I protested but I felt my cheeks grow warm at this accusation. Unfortunately, Eomer noticed…

“‘See I knew it! You’re blushing!’ he cackled with laughter at my angry face, ‘Oh wait till I tell him!’

“‘You wouldn’t dare!’ I challenged.

“‘Just watch!’ and he began to walk towards the archers.

“‘No! No! Eomer please don’t!’ I tugged at his arm.

“‘Oh, fine, but I’m still going to speak with him.’

“‘If you say one word about me I’ll beat you!’ I tried to threaten.

“‘You wish!’ he retorted and went off.

“The truth was of course that I was pining after Adain. He was the son of one of my uncle’s officers and I had been going to the training grounds nearly every day just to see him. He was tall for his 13 years and very muscular and handsome. He was often about Meduseld but I could rarely pluck up enough courage to speak with him, and he rarely spoke to me. It was quite awkward for me to be around him, but a rather blissful awkwardness it was. Adain seemed perfectly casual and never even gave me a second glance most of the time. But still I hoped that this was because he was shy and I had rather drilled the idea into my head.

“Deep down something told me that he had no interest in me, but I had ignored it for so long that I scarcely felt it anymore. But I suppose the good thing was that I kept my head. I was far from the type of girl that fallows after a boy swooning every time he speaks. I on the other hand, made a point of finding inconspicuous ways to be around him.

“Whenever an opportunity presented itself, for instance if Eomer was talking with Adain, I would walk over and stand next to Eomer, but still get as close to Adain as I could without arousing suspicion. But still I received no encouragement. But then as I watched Eomer talking to Adain, I began to feel scared.”

“Did he tell, mother? Did Uncle Eomer really tell Adain that you liked him?” Ellen cut in.

“Yes as a matter of fact he did. As soon as I saw your uncle and Adain point in my direction and laugh I fled. I was so ashamed that I locked myself in my room and refused to come out until your great-uncle Théoden ordered me to. It was much later before I could even look at Adain again. Eomer was not able to obtain my forgiveness until almost three months later. I only forgave him because he agreed to let me punch him in the jaw.”

“You punched Uncle Eomer in the jaw?” Ellen gaped open mouthed at her mother.

“Yes I did. And I believe he deserved every bit of it too. But after a while I never even gave Adain a second thought. You see, this will soon pass and in a few years you will probably have totally forgotten all about Ahern. But all is not lost if Elboron told him. He may be sweet on you for all you know.”

“That’s true. Oh well.”

“Now, put on your dress and let’s go.”

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