Everyone has left me.
Pippin and Gandalf to Gondor;
Frodo and Sam to Mordor;
Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli are gone too.
Theoden King told me that I may not fight
Because I am too small in height.
But I wish to fight, fight for my friends
No matter how this all ends.

I ride to Gondor
With Eowyn, who let me ride with her.
We ride to Gondor in the dim light
When we reach the City, will I find the courage to fight?
Fight for my friends.
No matter how all this ends.

I fight, the lower levels of Minas Tirith are in flames.
I fight for my friends.
No matter how this all ends.

The Nazgul comes, dark as night
Bringing ruin, bringing fright.
Theoden King falls under his horse
The Nazgul approaches him.
I close my eyes in fear.
But a familiar voice I hear.
I see Eowyn standing fearing no pain.
Her arm then is broken.
She should not die, not unaided;
I stab the fell thing.
For Theoden, for Eowyn, for all my friends
No matter how this all ends.

On the ground I lay
My arm cold and numb
I wonder if I shall live to see a new day
This is most likely the end.
I did fight for my friends
No matter how this ends.

I hear a familiar voice echoing in my ears
Somehow casting away my fears.
It is Pippin.
He came to find me.
I am now with my friend
No matter how this will end.

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