For those of you who have seen or read “The Birds”, you understand how I feel. I was watching the movie and I thought to myself “This would make a great fanfic!” So here it is, people, “The Birds”!

Disclaimer: “The Birds” belongs to Daphne Du Marier and “Lord of the Rings” belongs to J.R.R Tolkien. No, “The Birds” does not belong to Alfred Hitchcock. He simply borrowed it, as I am doing now.

A Note on Story Changes: While Professor Tolkien clearly stated that Sam marries Rosie Cotton directly after the return to the Shire, I have altered that for the sole purpose of making the story a little more interesting. As you might have guessed, this story occurs directly following the return to the shire. I apologize for the delay. Now, on to the story…

The Birds
Chapter 1
Lunch and Advice

Frodo Baggins opened the door of bag end and strode inside. He placed his walking-stick in the corner, took off his coat, and walked into the study. The clock on the mantel read twelve o’clock. It was time for lunch.

Frodo frowned. He had hoped to add some more to Bilbo’s book before eating lunch. Maybe he shouldn’t have spoken to the Gaffer on the way up the hill. Oh, well. If it was time for lunch, Frodo would make it. Come to think of it, he was hungry. He got up and left the study.

He walked into the kitchen and looked out the window. Most hobbits were indoors, eating lunch at home or spending time at The Green Dragon. The street looked peaceful. Nothing moved, except for a flock of birds flying over the town.

Odd, really. This was not the time of year for birds. What could they be doing in the Shire? Frodo thought this to himself as he prepared lunch. What could make the birds act so strangely?

* * *

Sam Gamgee composed himself and knocked three times on the door of Bag End. He heard Frodo banging around and then yelling “Coming!” Sam thought of why he had come. ‘Not the best idea you ever had, Samwise Gamgee, not the best you ever had.’ He was interrupted as Frodo opened the door.

“Sam! This is a surprise!” Frodo took a moment to compose himself, and then gestured behind him. “Want to stay for lunch?”

“Oh no, Mr. Frodo, I just…came…” Sam blushed “…to get some advice.” Before he knew what was happening, Frodo had grabbed his arm and was pulling him inside the door.

“Well, Sam, there’s no better place for advice than at the lunch table! Come on!”

* * *

“Now, Sam, what was it you wanted advice about?” Frodo leaned forward and stared at his friend.

Sam shuffled nervously in his chair. His food remained untouched in front of him, which was a clear sigh that something was wrong. “Well…um…it’s sort of…private…”

Frodo held up a hand. “Say no more, Sam, my friend.” He paused, regarding Sam with an all-knowing expression. “It’s Rosie, isn’t it?”

Sam nodded, blushing bright red. “Um…yes, actually…”

“You love her.”



“Alright, yes, I do.”

“But…” Frodo concluded, grinning, “You don’t know how to tell her.”

Sam, if possible, went even redder. He mumbled something that Frodo couldn’t quite make out.

“Come again?”

“I said yes, I don’t.” Sam looked at his friend with a look of such pain that Frodo instantly felt pity for him. “Mr. Frodo, that’s where I need advice. I can’t do it in the pub, or the farm. It needs to be private.”

“Sam, who, in the entire Shire, has the most privacy at his disposal?”

Sam stopped to think about that for a moment, before he finally answered “You, do, Mr. Frodo.”

“And do you think, Samwise Gamgee, that I can’t loan out privacy to my best friend in all of Middle-Earth?”

“Well, um…”

“I’m inviting you and Rosie to dinner tonight. Six o’clock sharp. Don’t be late.”

Sam burst into tears, grabbing Frodo in a tight bear hug. Frodo returned it, patting his friend gently on the shoulder. “Come on, Sam. I’ll walk you to the door. You need to inform Miss Cotton, after all.”

As soon as Frodo opened the door, Sam ran all the way down to the street.

* * *

Sam turned and looked back. There stood Frodo, smiling and waving. Sam waved back, thanking his friend for his wisdom and sympathy. “He’s as wise as Mr. Gandalf, and as kind as Mr. Bilbo, I always said so.” Sam watched as his friend turn to go inside.

At that moment, a crow, which had been circling overhead, dived.

Sam could only watch in horror as the crow hit Frodo right on the head, sending him tumbling into the garden.

To Be Continued…

Sorry for the cliffhanger. If you don’t already know what is going to happen, I suggest being patient and finding out. Please R&R!!!

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