The Morning on Taniquetil

Far to the west, beyond our world
is a country surrounded by mountains
and on the highest of them stands a palace

In this palace prevails in the greatest quality, the eldest king on the throne of Arda
with wisdom and foresight, he rules his kingdom. The air, the wind will find his pleasure
Manwe Sulimo.

Snow-capped peak of the mountain always white
lit by Arien’s precious rays.
The guardian of the last fruit of

High above the land Valinor, you raise your head.
Always White Mountain. The green fields beneath you,
to where elves are frolicking in the Golden City

But silver, like Tilion you shine in the twilight of the new day.
And the bells rise from slumber to the Elves to wake up to,
to which they admire your splendor, stunning Mountain

By Silmariel-Feanors-Child

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