Things I’ve Learned from LOTR movies and Cast

1. You can do anything you set your mind to.
2. No matter how differen you are, you can be friends.
3. Even after spending years with a person, they can still surprise you.
4. You can always rely on friends to back you up.
5. One person CAN make a difference.
6. A group of us can change the course of this world.
7. Even after a fight, some old friends will still stick up for you.
8. There is no task too big that can’t be done.
9. Even in the worse of cases, hope is always there.
10. When all else seems to fade, friends are always near.
11. True friends never leave.
12. You may set out to do one thing and end up doing more.
13. A couple of hours is all it takes to become friends.
14. Never give up, for help is always right around the corner.
15. Great things take awhile to finish.
16. After all the work is though, true friends stay together.
17. Memories last a lifetime.
18. Old bonds can be renewed with just a little faith.
19. It’s hard to go back to normal life after a great adventure.
20. There are some things in this world that are worth fighting for.

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