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Post Short Story - Silver Fox and Coyote
on: July 06, 2016 04:52
In order to keep the skills in language from rusting, here is a short story I tried to translate into Quenya. the story is pulled from: http://www.sacred-texts.com/nam/ca/aat/aat12.htm
First paragraph.

Most of the vocabulary was pulled from http://folk.uib.no/hnohf/quen-eng.htm

(If I made any glaring mistakes, please inform me!)

[Edited on 07/08/2016 by erutan2099]
-Erunámo -"Istyallo, Ilu."
Council Member
Posts: 100
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on: July 06, 2016 04:53
In the beginning, nothing existed but water

i yestassë, munta engë hequa nén.

Coyote and Silver-fox lived above in the sky, where there was a world like this one.

Coiótë ar silma-rusco marner i Elenardassë, yassë engë arda vë sina.

Silver-fox was anxious to make things, but Coyote was opposed to the plan.

Silma-rusco estelinqua carë engwi, mal Coiótë avaquentë i pano.

Finally Silver-Fox got tired of Coyote's opposition, and sent him off one day to get wood.

tyelimavë Silma-rusco lumbanë Coiótëo avaquetiello, ar aumentaneryes auressë tultien tavar.

While he was gone, Silver-Fox took an arrow-flaker and made a hole through the upper world, and looked down on the sea below.

Imya lussë yassë vanwiës, Silma-rusco nampë pilin-maica ar carnë terra ter i Elenarda, ar yentë i earessë nún.

When Coyote came back, Silver-Fox did not tell him about the hole he had made.

yá Coiótë nanwennë, Silma-rusco ua quentë se i lattallo ya carnes.

Next day he sent Coyote off again for wood; and in his absence Silver-Fox thrust down the arrow-flaker, and found that it reached to the water, and down to the bottom.

Ento aurë lentanes Coiótë ata hirien tavar; ar yá lá ëala tanomë Silma-rusco nirë undu i pilin-maica, ar eccenses ita rahtanes tenna i nén, ar nún talmanna.

So he descended; and as he came near the surface of the water, he made a small round island, on which he stayed.

Potai undu lendëro, ar yá tulles ambena i palmë i néno, carnes cinta corna tol, harnes tanomë.

[Edited on 07/08/2016 by erutan2099]
-Erunámo -"Istyallo, Ilu."
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Posts: 100
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on: November 11, 2016 06:42
Part 2:
Ranta Atta:

When Coyote returned, he could not find Silver-Fox, and, after hunting for a long time,

began to feel remorse.

íre Coiótë nanwennë, ua polis hirë Silma-rusco, ar, opo raimela tainan lú, alas nyérinqua.

Finally he found the hole, and peeped through, seeing Silver-Fox far below on the island.

Tyelimavë tunves i unquë, ar ter cenne, cénala Silma-rusco vaháya nún i tolessë.

He called down that he was sorry he had acted as he had, and asked how to get down.

yellones undu nyérinquas saulenganes, ar maquentë ista nún.

Receiving no reply, he said that Silver-Fox ought not to treat him this way; and after a

while the latter put up the arrow-flaker, and Coyote came down.

Camála lau aquet, quentes Silma-Rusco uscarenë lengas tië sína; ar opo lúmeli Silma-Rusco ortanë i pilin-maica, ar Coiótë undu lendero.
-Erunámo -"Istyallo, Ilu."
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