By YeUtuvienyesElf
Parody of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" by Mozart

Shiny, shiny, little ring
You are such a wonderful thing
Upon my finger, you cling tight
I try to take you off with all my might

Shint, shiny, little ring
You were such a wonderful thing

Shiny, shiny, little ring
You’re not such an awesome thing
Fire shows your Elvish letters
Getting rid of you would be better

Shiny, shiny, little ring
You’re not such an awesome thing

Shiny, shiny, little ring
Look at all the madness you bring
You make the wringwraiths want us dead
They’ll stick a sharp sword through our heads

Shiny, shiny, little ring
You are such an evil thing

Shiny, shiny, little ring
Of you the evil orcs do sing
Your master, Sauron, is calling you back
He can’t get you soon, so he sends an attack

Shiny, shiny, little ring
You horrible, evil, golden thing

Shiny, shiny, little ring
We must destroy you above all things
We will take you to Mount Doom
We’ll be rid of you soon

Shiny, shiny, little ring
Begone forever, you wretched thing

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