Sanwi mi Víressë


Cemen cuivëa. Mornië, heca!
Ámen anta árë! Ámen anta laito!

I quórola lossë lehtëa núterya.
I helcë amárië sinomë andavë.
Milyan sírala nén.

Fauta, mal istan lá maruva.
Hrívë fíra. Utúlië tuilë.

Umin nyerë i vanwë lótin – entuluvantë.
I aldar cuivëar.

Mavoinenya Anaren tyeluva.
I auri nar malda voronwë.

Ananta orë órenyan naina, írë tirin Eär avaleryaina.
Víressë ná i lúmë rúcina estelwa.


Thoughts in April


Nature is awakening. Darkness, be gone!
Give us some sunlight! Give us life!

The suffocating snow is loosening its bond.
The ice has been here for so long.
I long for open water.

It is snowing, but I know it will not last.
Winter is dying. Spring has come.

I do not mourn for the lost flowers - they will return.
The trees are stirring.

My great longing for the sun has an end.
The days are getting longer.

And yet it grieves my heart to watch the sea in chains.
April is the season of shattered hope.


Thoughts in April

(literal translation)

Earth is awakening. Darkness, be gone!
Give us sunlight! Give us life!

The suffocating snow is loosening its bond.
The ice has been settled here very long.
I long for flowing water.

It is snowing, but I know [it] will not abide.
Winter is dying. Come has spring.

I do not grieve for the gone flowers – they will return.
The trees are awakening.

My great longing for the Sun will end.
The days are more long-lasting.

And yet it impels for my heart to lament when I watch [the] Great sea bound.
April is the time of shattered hope.

Original poem and translation by Malinornë, April 2004