• Name

  • Laerien_Chai
  • Laerien_Chai
  • Laerien_Chai
  • Contact Info

  • About Yourself

  • OC: Laerien is a human girl who's parents were killed in battle when she was very young. She was found by the elves who took her in and raised her. Her true name never having been found, they gave her a new name. When she was 9, she began to learn archery, and by age 13, she had a 98.9 % succes rate with her aim, thought still not at Legolas's skill level. Having been told about her family's fate, she was highly distrustful of anyone other then the elves who she had been raised by, and is almost always armed. She will only lower her weapon if told to by Legolas, Elrond, or one of the other higher elves.

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