• Name

  • Loreanna
  • Loreanna
  • Loreanna
  • Contact Info

  • About Yourself

  • Greetings to all! I'm Loreanna, 58, mother of two. Originally from Indiana, USA; now living in Brazil, South America. Father used to read Tolkien along with other tales of medieval and older times, so I grew up with elves, fairies, gnomes, dragons and the like. Avid fan of Tolkien and LOTR. Found site while looking for those with similar interests. Likes: good friends, books, music; peace, silence and misty mornings make my day. Pets: cats, bees, horses and does. Archery (learning)/hiking. Study languages and wish to learn Sindarin and Quenya; anyone teaches Westron as well? I'm touched by the warm welcome which I'll do my utter best to honor. After three attempts, I hope I've gotten it right this time. So, excuse me, off I go; much still to learn.

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