Race: Maiar
Height: 6'0
Age: only Eru knows...
Family: Lover of Valaöré
Animals: Horse: Stardust
Weapons: Long staff made of ebony with dark sapphires in a diamond chevron pattern, short sword with sapphire encrusted hilt and sapphire studded scabbard

Personality: Engwatindomeion has a strong sense of loyalty and can become one of the fiercest protectors of those he holds dear. His strong sense of morality grounds him in his loyalties. However, he tends to be one who likes to sit apart by himself. In other words, he's a natural introvert, fitting his like for the night sky.

Appearance: Tall with short-cut, midnight-black hair and eyes that are almost black. His skin tone is pale, but the aura around him seethes with power. His robes are black as the midnight, as are his hood and cloak.


Engwatindomeion means “ring-wearing spirit.” Engwa has served Manwe since the Second Age. Before that, he was under Aule. After the War with Morgoth, he stayed in Valinor to serve Manwe. Before returning, he forged two sapphire rings, one for himself and a smaller, identical one for Valaöré, his lover. These allowed them to talk to each other in the midst of their separation. In the middle of the Third Age, the communication between the two lovers began to lessen, until it finally stopped early in the Fourth Age. During that time, Melkor had begun to poison his mind and possess his body. Melkor, whose spirit was controlling Engwatindomeion, came to Middle Earth and attempted to corrupt the whole of the land. However, there were some who pursued him. With them rode Valaöré, his
long-suffering lover. She struggled against him in the middle of her grief to usurp Melkor’s hold on her beloved. After a long struggle, he was finally free. Valaöré nursed him back to health, and they have lived and traveled together ever since.

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