Merry and Pippin
Orc busters!

Pip: Hey, Merry?
Mer: WHAT!?
Pip: Um, aren’t we supposed to be, um, running?
Mer: I’ve decided not to.
Pip: We have a choice?
Mer: I made one. If we run, we get caught, forced to march, dragged all over the place, and I get a scar on my forehead like Harry Potter.
Pip: COOL!
Mer: *slaps himself on the forehead*
Pip: So, um, what do we get if we don’t run?
Mer: We get to ORC BUST!
Pip: Er…in the script here it says…
Mer: Shut up, Pip.
Pip: Psychic! Cool!How’d you kno-
Mer: Agh! Listen, we have to kill Boromir!
Mer: Grab your sword and come on!
Pip:*whispering* Why do we need to kill Boromir?
Mer:Because if we don’t he doesn’t die.
Pip:Isn’t that a good thing?
Mer: *slaps head*
Pip:Oh…*slaps his own head* Ouch! Ouch! Icepack!
Mer: Pippin, how about you go run over there for a bit…
Pip:You said not to ru-
Mer:*kicks Pippin, who starts running*
Mer: *sees Boromir coming, and hides. Then he jumps him, and-*
Mer: Well, now, let’s go on, shall we?
Pip:*gulp* Uh, sure, Merry…whatever you say!
They walk for a bit, and meet a train of orcs.
Pip:Um…Meryy, I think you just killed our only hope…
Mer:Obi Wan?
Pip: *slaps Merry’s forehead*
Mer: Ouch! Why’d you do that?
Pip:Hurts less.
Mer: *is about to murder Pippin, but then they are grabbed by the orc.*
Orc:Are you Halfings?
Pip:*decides to lie* No….
Orc:Kill ’em, they’re not who we’re after.
Suddenly Strider burst through, sword in hand.
Orc:Are you a halfling?
Mer: Go Strider, he’s our man, If he can’t slay them no one can!
Orc2: * steps up to Strider*
Str:*sword swish*
Sequence is replayed, and replayed, and replayed, and ect, ect…
Str:Takes a bow and is shot in back by orc*
Mer:*lying through teeth*Well old pal, it has been nice knowing you.
Pip: Why are you talking in past tense?
Mer: *slaps forehead*

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