By LadyArwenOfRivendell
Parody of "Hound Dog" by Elvis Presley

*Sam and Gollum are very angry at each other. All of the sudden Gollum bursts out into song. *

You ain’t nothin’ but a fat hobbit
Carryin’ all the time
You ain’t nothin’ but a fat hobbit
Carryin’ all the time
Well, you always cook the rabbit
And you ain’t no friend of mine

When they said you were evil lookin’
Well, that wasn’t no lie
When they said you were evil lookin’
Well, that wasn’t no lie
You ain’t never cooked a rabbit
And you ain’t no friend of mine

You ain’t nothin’ but a fat hobbit
Carryin’ all the time
You ain’t nothin’ but a fat hobbit
Carryin’ all the time
Well, you always cook the rabbit
And you ain’t no friend of mine

When they said you were evil lookin’
Well, that weren’t no lie
When they said you were evil lookin’
Well, that weren’t no lie
You ain’t never cooked a rabbit
And you ain’t no friend of mine

When they said you were evil lookin’
Well, that weren’t no lie
When they said you were evil lookin’
Well, that weren’t no lie
You ain’t never cooked a rabbit
And you ain’t no friend of mine

*Frodo walks in from dropping eaves. He starts singing to Sam. *

You ain’t nothing but a hot hobbit
Followin’ all the time
You ain’t nothing but a hot hobbit
Followin’ all the time
You sure love that rabbit
And you’re a sure friend of mine!

*Sam looks at him really weird. *

Frodo: Sorry….

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