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Elbereth Help us… (in Fanfiction)

…like best? Let’s see… Gondor, Rohan, Rivendell, Lorien, Harad, Mordor, The Shire? Elaina of Gondor. How ’bout that? “I am … er… Elaina of Gondor.” The bastard still looked suspicious….

Coming of Age (in Fanfiction)

…don’t think he’ll be staying much longer.” Frodo smiled, “he’s done his best to keep my spirits up these past few days.” Sam nodded, surreptitiously noting his young master’s pale…

Chapter Eleven (in Fanfiction)

…asked Rúmil. “I do not mean to question, it is not my place, but I am concerned for Ela and what is best for her.” “It was necessary. There is…

Escaping the Past (in Fanfiction)

———————- Shrieks of unbridled laughter pierced the quiet plains of Anorien as three horses raced across its expanse, seemingly vying for first place in the attainment of some unknown destination….

The Two Towers Extended Edition (in Subject Articles)

…Frodo: (smiling) Sam, my dear Sam. Sam: It’s very special, that. It’s the best salt in all the Shire. Frodo: It is special. It’s a little bit of home. (Frodo…

Matrimonial Mayhem (in Fanfiction)

…will take place.” “What better place for the ceremony than here in Lothlórien?” Elrond II laughed. “And as for a date, what do you think, CelebrÃan?” “Whatever works for you,”…

Chapter 2: The Race To Fornost (in Fanfiction)

…motioned for his companions to follow. They were the troops best trackers. ‘If they couldnÂ’t find a sign then no one could,Â’ he thought to himself. “Idril, do you see…

Chat Transcript with PJ & GDT (in Subject Articles)

…will shoot any of the Hobbit of Italy, but I would love come to Italy for a vacation, you should tell me the best places to visit. Guillermo_del_Toro: Not really-…

Return of the King (in Subject Articles)

…Very close now, very close, to Mordor. No safe places here. Hurry! (Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas, etc. ride towards Isengard, and come upon Merry and Pippin sitting on a broken…

Glorfindel of Imladris (in Fanfiction)

…call a place but Gondolin his home, even if he had to live again. In the stables he found a white stallion in the place his horse. “So, you are…