Race: Vampire/Witch
Height: 5'6
Age: 523
Family: dead
Weapons: switchblade, scottish dirk, and a long knife

Personality: Is polite when in society. Embittered from years of pain when dealing with humans. Compassionate towards other vampires and other magical creatures. Doesn't like to be bothered when she's busy.

Appearance: Long dark, dark brown hair...yellowish eyes (were green before she changed)..pale skin...slight athletic build...tattoo of a chinese dragon that is black and red on her back...wears a clear skin cream during the day when needed so the sun doesn't hurt her..and special sunglasses to protect her eyes...her eyes glow a bright blood red when using her powers


She was a Scottish farm girl named Amanda Mckeffin. Her mother was a witch and the people in her town stoned her mother to death because of what she was. Soon after that Amanda went to a different town where no one knew her. She got a job at a tavern when she was old enough and met a guy who was a vampire. He changed her and called her Akira. When she realized what she was she left to England for fear of what the people of Scotland would do to her. Didn’t like what she was for awhile and tried to find the man that changed her but failed. Lived there for awhile. Then during the revolution she moved to America and has been there ever since. Occasionally taking some trips to France. She never found the man who changed her.

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