Gender: 2
Race: hobbit
Height: 3 feet, 5 inches
Age: 22
Family: Mother, father, 3 brothers and a sister
Weapons: Long sword (thats a bit too heavy) and a short sword, plus many rocks and a sharp stick.

Personality: Is exesively bubbly at night, but cannot pull self out of bed in the morning. Personality changes quickly. Can go from happy to sad in a split second. Is tentative about things, yet tends to take more risks than is hobbity. Is a big help to all her friends, but is secretive and lies compulsively. Trusts only those close to her. Is impulsively random. Is a tomboy.

Appearance: Taller than some Hobbits, dark, curly hair, brown/green eyes. Skin tanned slightly, as spends all time outside. cheeks slightly rosy. always a mess and a little unkempt. Clothes hae holes in them and insists on wearing hobbit-boy clothes, instead of dresses.


Bonr in summer to a large, loving family. Even as a toddler was adventerous and always into trouble. Spent all her younger days rolling in the mud with the boys, proving she was not girly, as they all thought. Raised with 3 brothers, she alwasys had people to look out for her. Now lives alone in a quiet little hole down the road from her sister’s. Thinks about leaving the Shire for more adventure, but is alwasy talked out of it.

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