Race: Moriquendi
Height: 5'7
Age: Deceased
Animals: Warg: Baran, War Gelding: Celcamer Wolf Pup: Nadu
Weapons: Wristblades, Swords, Daggers

Personality: Axeia is a cold, calculating mercenary with a penchant for blades. She never laughs or smiles. Her expert bladework has earned her the name "Bloodslinger". She is a servant of Sauron, and in love with her Master. Sauron loves what she does for him, not her as a person, but that is enough for her. She is fearless, but easily angered. Cruelty to animals enrages her like nothing else.

Appearance: Tall, dark black hair, emerald green eyes. She is always armed with at least three blades, usually carrying up to fifteen different bladed weapons at once. She favors her self-designed quadruple wrist blades.


To be developed.

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