Gender: 2
Race: elf
Height: on the tall side
Age: 3 yen
Family: a brother, Aradol
Animals: a horse, Tane, and a falcon, Gwairos
Weapons: longbow, longsword, long knives

Personality: Curuwen is more reclusive around strangers than she is around friends. She tends to be shy to those she does not know, and can come off with a cold personality. Her friend, Nimthoron, has gotten them both into more scrapes than she can remember. She is a wanderer, and she loves nothing quite as much as going where the Road takes her. When she's alone, animals are her best companions. When not traveling, she resides in either Imladris of Eyrn Lasgelen; both are home. When she can, she visits Celebroch, her friend who resides in the Grey Havens. The Sea is something she is awed and enamored by, but does not feel the call to leave Middle Earth.

Appearance: On the tallish side, has a darker complection than most woodland elves. Looks can be decieving; she does not appear to be a warrior, but what did your Amme tell you about not judging a book by it's cover?


Native to Eyrn Lasgalen, Curuwen lived in the Woodland Realm and Imladris for most of her childhood and first yen. Her father being of Imladris and her mother of Greenwood, both realms are her home. Curuwen’s interactions with humans are somewhat slim. She has befriended the Dunedain, and helps them as a ranger of sorts. Her older brother, Aradol, resides in Imladris as a gaurdsman and healer. Their parents have departed Middle Earth and gone into the West, but neither sibling feels the call to leave just yet. There are many paths to be walked, rivers to follow, and sights to be seen. A ship in a harbour is safe, but that’s not what ship’s were meant for.

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