Contributed by Hathaldir

With nearly 400 entries, the Encyclopedia here at CoE is growing at a good rate. Since its opening in September 2002, CoE members have been a wonderful help in making this resource bigger and better. The newest volume we have added is the ‘Events’ volume – for battles, councils, dates and other such things. Our ‘Places’ volume is growing rapidly, thanks to PotbellyHairyfoot, who is working in conjunction with the Maps section.

Not only is our encyclopedia a wonderful tool for those looking for information, but for those who write the entries, there is much to be learned. Writing the entries takes a lot of research, as well as noting details that might have gone unnoticed before. For me, the thngs that set our encyclopedia apart from the rest are the pictures. A picture can be included with each entry, and at the moment about 100 have pictures or illustrations. Of course, not everything Tolkien wrote about has been drawn or filmed, but where possible, there are pictures.

I would like to give a big thank you to everyone who has already comtributed! Give yourselves a pat on the back. Everyone is encouraged to contribute, and an entry can range from 1 – 3 user points (an appropriate picture is a point) for up to 20 points. So get out your books and papers, and help us try to reach 800 when the encyclopedia’s birthday comes around in September!

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