An interview with the corrupted pv by the uncorrupted members of Vaire

How did you become corrupted?

I have always been corrupt. When I was born, my mother was startled to notice a pair of bright green horns on my cute little head. Although my corruption was sadly repressed at school, college and work, it found expression once again under the liberating influence of Eressëa, the former Realm Leader of Vairë.

Do you find being on the side of evil depressing in anyway?

On the contrary, I find it tremendously, gloriously liberating.

We understand that there are persons in the realm who have already claimed to roles of both Morgoth, Sauron and Witchking, do you find yourself feeling somewhat inferior, as you don’t have a claim to these titles?

As some dumb poet wrote in the past, “A name, what’s in a name? A villain by any other name would still be as corrupt!”

How do you deal with being a minion and is it really worth the rings and fell beasts when your ultimately downfall is certain? Does your small amount of power given by your overlords really make it worth your ultimate fate?

Who says that my ultimate downfall is certain? And who says that I have only a small amount of power? I’ve learnt a thing or two from Celebrimbor, too! MUHAHAHAHAHA!

How do you feel about the changes the uncorrupted made to Mordor?

(The interviewee’s answer is to mime acute nausea.)

What would you do with the One Ring had you found it first?

Well, what would you do with it? Be honest, now! WAAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!

You were one of the members who did not wait for bribes before joining the cause of evil in the realm, what was it about the corrupted weavers that drew you into their service?

I quite simply took pleasure in their company.

Out of interest just how many shiny rings you managed to acquire since you started your work as a corrupter?

If you must know, the answer is 56743457778800001.

Who is the most annoying hero on the ‘good’ side and why?

To me, the good side is the corrupt side, and I have never met a villain I didn’t like.

What is it about Glorfindel that terrorizes your balrogs so much?

His state-of-the-art fire extinguisher. (Which I plan to destroy soon.)

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