Interview with the Firiel by the Realm of Vaire

What is the best thing about being a mod of the Sindarin forum?
Seeing people’s creativity and ingenuity demonstrated through their use of Sindarin, such as lovely poetry and short prose.

What do you like best about the Realm of Vaire?
The camaraderie and spirit of the Weavers, as well as their fondness for good discussion.

Who is your favorite Tolkien character and why?
It’s hard to choose, but probably Galadriel, because she was formerly proud and headstrong, but grew in wisdom as the ages passed.

If you could have one item from Middle-Earth what would it be?
Galadriel’s gift to Sam. It would be lovely to recreate a little bit of Lothlórien in the backyard.

When did you join CoE and why?
February 2002, it seems. I joined for the pretty pictures and the great conversation — as a budding community, CoE had this very welcoming air about it.

If Gandalf gave you an hour of his time to answer any questions you may have about ME what would be the top three you would ask?
If I actually had the opportunity, I would probably be absent-minded enough to forget what I wanted to know. That said:

1) Who — or what — is Tom Bombadil?

2) What were the fate of the elves who stayed behind in Middle-earth after the passing of Galadriel, Elrond, and their ilk? (e.g. Elladan, Elrohir, even Maglor!)

3) … And the fates of the Entwives?

You wake up in Meduseld between Legolas and Gimli. What has happened?
Nostalgic musings, jovial drunkeness, dares that would never be thought of in the cold light of day, splitting headaches, companionable silence under starry skies. In no particular order.

Out of all of Tolkien’s works which is your favorite?
Unfinished Tales, strangely enough. I love the detailed glimpses into different Ages, the tales, and how we see Tolkien’s Middle-earth constantly under revision.

Would you sail to the undying lands or stay in Middle-Earth?
A hard choice, but I’d stay in Middle-earth, I think. Mingling with the Elves and Valar I’m sure has many perks, but it would simply be exciting to live in a new Age finally free of Sauron, and full of development and potential.

If you were forced to spend a week with either Bill Ferny or Gollum which would you choose? Who would you wish you were spending that week with?
Gollum. We’d have amusing conversations about dietary preferences, jewellery, and the virtue of one’s company, though I would have to tread carefully around him. I’d gladly spend a week with Merry and Pippin instead.

Are you corrupted or uncorrupted?
Uncorrupted. ‘Corrupted’ is overrated.

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