In the coastlands north of the Bay of Balar, the future bearer of one of the Elven rings of power and Peredhil (Half-elven) Lord of Rivendell was born in the city of Arvernien to Eärendil and Elwing. The dates of his birth vary from 422 to 525 of the First Age of the Sun, but along with his brother Elros their names weave throughout the fabric of the history of Arda.

When the sons of Fëanor invaded the city in pursuit of the Silmaril, the brothers were taken hostage, but later released by Maglor. After the War of Wrath the Valar gave him and his brother a choice. Immortality or what the Elves called ‘The Gift of Men’. Elrond chose immortality and became Eldar and along with this was gifted also with penetrating wisdom and foresight. His brother chose the opposite but was granted a lifespan four times that of mortal men which was passed on to his direct descendants. Elros became the first king of Númenor.

During the first portion of the Second Age, Elrond resided in Lindon which was under the rule of Gil-galad, last high King of the Noldor. In 1695 when word reached them that the Elves living in the lands of Eregion and renown for their smith-work, were coming under sway of Melkor’s first lieutenant, Sauron, the king sent Elrond to defend them. After two years of fighting, it was at last overrun and Elrond took the remnants of the Noldo Elves and other refugees to the foothills of the Misty Mountains and established Rivendell. Until SA3429, they lived in relative peace, rebuilding and preparing for the inevitable. It came when Sauron attacked Minas Ithil, which sparked the War of Alliance. Elrond was at Gil-galad’s side as his herald throughout the war and when the king was mortally wounded, Elrond received ‘Vilya’ – The ring of Air, from Gil-galad. It was one of three Elven rings hidden from Sauron after the fall of Eregion. The power of that ring protected Rivendell from discovery by the enemy until the end of the Third Age.

The Third Age brought everything full circle. In 100, he married the daughter of Galadriel, the Lady Celebrian and they were blessed with three children, twin sons – Elladan and Elrohir and a daughter, Arwen. Throughout most of the TA he gave help and refuge to the Dunedin – heirs of Arnor. One in particular, Aragorn II would ultimately reclaim the throne of Gondor and Arnor and make Arwen his Queen. Also, with his guidance he set the Fellowship on the path that would lead to the final destruction of One Ring and Sauron’s dominion.

In TA3021, he passed over the sea with the other Ring bearers, thus ending the time of the Elves and ushering in the Fourth Age, the Age of Men.

Other names – Elrond Half-elven, Lord Elrond, Master of the Last Homely house.


Encyclopedia – Council of Elrond
Silmarillian – J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien’s – The complete guide to Middle Earth – Robert Foster
Tolkien – The Illustrated Encyclopedia – David Day

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