Period: September 24 – October 23
Element: Air
Colour: Dark-blue
Stone: Opal

What the stars above Ulmo’s water tell the Libra:
People, born Libras, have a sharp sense of harmony. Their behavior is often prompted not by their own wish, but by the desire of making an agreeable impression on the others. They are always able to look at the situation with an alien eye, from the outside. It is because of this, that Libras find it hard to decide on something without studying all pluses and minuses, and asking for someone’s advice. It may seem that the others decide for them – but they hate it when someone tries to influence them aggressively. They agree with everyone, but act as they want. Being very balanced and well-informed person, they adapt to any situation and company in a blink of an eye, and simply blossom there where their creativity and diplomatic talent is needed.

The month ahead:
Ooops. It’ seems like you are facing the choice again. And the choice between two equally decent things. The April prompts you to quit analyzing, because this time your logical thinking is a bad adviser. The harder you try to unravel the knot, the more tangled it becomes. Trust your feelings and emotional experience, not your head. And if you don’t believe yourself – then trust the sensual perception of the others. This time they are right.

The dark side of the Libra:
Everyone loves Libra. They are sincere, attentive and warm-hearted. But even the hottest heart cannot warm a cool-blooded frog, no matter how sweet and harmonious it seems with its smooth green pads and lovely spots on its sides. Libras sacrifice themselves for harmony and all-around concord, when they must let someone else kiss frogs and enjoy the show as an outside watcher.

Be yourself, Libras. May be, you’ll lose some of your admirers, but those who remain will certainly be worthy of the rare love and thoughtfulness, you radiate.

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