31- 40 points – Dolphin: you are a joyful person, always ready to have fun, an optimist. No challenge is too big for you, and life is one colorful carousel, with infinite possibilities. Just… don’t let us be around when that bubbling energy spins out of control.

21 – 30 points – Kraken: Mm, you’re baaaad, and we love you just the way you are, at least we know that we’re safe with you keeping guard. Alright, marginally safe…

11 – 20 points – Crab: Come out, come out of that shell, you coy mistress! Shyness becomes you, even if it borders on the morose, here and there. Can we cuddle you know or will you sulk?

1 -10 points – Mermaid: Oh the style, the grace, the glamour! Look at all these pretty colours! Congrats, you’re a high-spirited and flirty beauty!

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