“Great River”, “Long River”, “Langflood”; these are some of the names assigned to the longest river in Middle-earth during the Third and into the Fourth Age, the Anduin. Originating from two smaller rivers that combine under the Grey Mountains it traverses the entire width of the land until some 1500 miles later branches out into a wide delta called “The Mouths of the Anduin” before spilling into the Bay of Belfalas. Along it banks and tributaries are some of the most historic places in all of Arda:

Gladden Fields – The River Gladden originates in the Misty Mountains and flows eastward until joining the Anduin, where it settles into a low-lying field creating the marshes. Early in the TA it was the site of a murderous ambush, resulting in the death of the Dúnedain King Isildur and three of his sons. The One Ring Isildur cut from the hand of Sauron was lost with him, where it lay for almost two thousand years in the murky depths before being found by a hobbit named Déagol.

Lórien – Nestled in the pocket of land where the river tributary Celebrant meets the Anduin, this woodland kingdom of the Silvan Elves was founded sometime before the First Age of the Sun. Better known as Lothlórien, “the land of blossom dreaming”, it came under the rule and protection of Galadriel and her husband, Celeborn during the TA, after the death of its ancient King, Amroth.

Rauros Falls – On the northern border of Gondor, this spectacular natural phenomena spill from the lake of Nen Hithoel from the heights of the Emyn Muil. Though it can’t be forged, there is a way around it. A set of stairs are cut in the cliff face. It was over this falls that the funeral boat of Boromir was sent after he was slain by Orcs. His brother, Faramir saw this in a dream-vision.

Cair Andros – Translated, the name means “Ship of Long-foam”, which aptly describes this river island north of the White Tower. Shaped like a great ship, the bow was a huge upward sweep of rocks which the strong waters of the Anduin would crash along in frothy, rolling waves. This natural island fortress was of major importance to both Gondor and Rohan. It was one of two ways to easily move an army to strike at the interior of Gondor and as such was defended fiercely but apparently sporadically over the Ages. During the War of the Ring it was briefly overtaken by a force of Orcs and Men unleashed from the Morannon by Sauron. This move effectively stalled the Rohirrim coming to Gondor’s call for aid but after the battle at Pelennor and Sauron’s fall, the island was soon retaken.

Sources: Council of Elrond Maps
Atlas of Middle Earth – Karen W. Fonstad
The Complete Guide to Middle Earth – Robert Foster
Encyclopedia of Arda – web site

These are but a few of the wonderful and fascinating places to discover along this important body of water. Now that you’ve read a bit of history about Arda, lets continue your watery journey into the minds, lives and happenings of the members of Ulmo’s Realm. Welcome and come on in, the waters fine…

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